Use "smuggled" in a sentence

1. He smuggled his notes into the exam.

2. Some wine has been smuggled in.

3. The guns were smuggled across the border.

4. Both of them smuggled stuff about.

5. We were smuggled out in delivery trucks.

6. These perfumes are going to be smuggled out.

7. They discussed ways of stemming the flow of smuggled drugs.

8. Thousands of objects were smuggled out of the country.

9. Illegal immigrants are smuggled into the country by boat.

10. Certified goods with smuggled goods can the same.

11. A merchant who smuggled Japanese weapons was found dead.

12. Western books are smuggled into the country and duplicated.

13. They need to be smuggled out of the country.

14. Confiscation of smuggled property is part of the penalty for certain offences.

15. One of the guards “smuggled” in a typewriter and some candles.

16. We do not yet know how the bomb was smuggled abroad.

17. The money was smuggled out in a false-bottomed suitcase.

18. They tied her up,drugged her,and smuggled her across the border.

19. 9 How could this explosive device possibly have been smuggled aboard?

20. Mohibullah was arrested at Heathrow after drugs were found smuggled in his suitcase.

21. The drugs were smuggled in right under the noses of the security guards.

22. I, uh, smuggled him over the border in the trunk of my car.

23. The only communication between him and his family had been letters smuggled out.

24. I was smuggled onto the island, And I was introduced to astrid.

25. He smuggled papers out each day, photocopied them, and snuck them back.

26. Once, the only tape recorders finding their way into concerts were smuggled like contraband.

27. Justinian himself founded its famed silk industry with silkworm eggs smuggled out of China.

28. Willow Leaf is a dazzlingly beautiful Chinese woman who is smuggled to Vancouver, Canada.

29. In it, they hid original copies of some publications that were smuggled into prison.

30. By 1839 the volume of opium being smuggled into China had increased vastly.

31. 28 They smuggled in some food for the comrades in the concentration camp.

32. That grim smile smuggled beneath his moustache; a temperance flag at his elbow.

33. Louis convention in the United States in the summer of 1941, was smuggled into Sachsenhausen.

34. Yeah, and figure out the location of the HMX explosives they smuggled in the city.

35. Some Christian sisters saved bread from their own meager rations and smuggled it to us.

36. These US dollars were smuggled into the country during the war, to aid the underground.

37. “Some of the magazines were smuggled into concentration camps for our fellow believers,” she says.

38. Ten to twelve tons of it a year are reportedly smuggled into the United States.

39. Maria had brought out no money, but she had smuggled out some of her jewels.

40. Already he will have been smuggled out of Dublin, to somewhere safe, somewhere beyond us.

41. Finally he found his game with whom he stood in to peddle his smuggled watches.

42. I smuggled a copy out when I left because I thought it was so funny.

43. 14 That grim smile smuggled beneath his moustache; a temperance flag at his elbow.

44. What motivated a woman who smuggled diamonds and stole from her employer to become an honest worker?

45. Both were believed to have originated from the Soviet Union and had been smuggled through Czechoslovakia.

46. He says that it has been known for drugs to be smuggled in large packages.

47. Listen, there's some rumors about some top-secret plates being smuggled out of the city by Saddam loyalists.

48. ▪ What motivated a woman who smuggled diamonds and stole from her employer to become an honest worker?

49. However, that was only a fraction —perhaps from 2 to 5 percent— of all the smuggled goods.

50. There have also been instances when he has smuggled in drugs , arms and ammunition into India .

51. China in Revolt published under the pen name S . K . Vidyarthi in 1935 was smuggled out of jail .

52. Three customs officials were charged with accepting bribes to allow the car to be smuggled into the country.

53. Prices are lowest in countries acting as major points of entry for cocaine being smuggled into West Africa.

54. They were smuggled into the country and they have been here for several days, training and acclimating.

55. That's how my husband smuggled money into this country... as presents for his vain, dumb trophy wife.

56. They were to be smuggled through the north - eastern frontiers , where the Abors had risen in revolt only recently .

57. I ran black market stores, I loan sharked, and I sold drugs that were illegally smuggled into the prison.

58. Narcotics that would have been smuggled inside the institution, she said, were instead found stashed in the visitors' restroom.

59. What if everyone who smuggled for me... dropped their cargo at the first sign... of an imperial starship?

60. They cultivated work of sorts, trading in hashish, black market currency, and smuggled radios and other consumer goods.

61. Conservative Central Office has ordered special security screening measures to prevent firearms or bombs being smuggled into the £3m pavilion.

62. Malaysian authorities uncovered 24 tons of smuggled ivory —more than 1,000 elephant tusks— hidden in two shipments of mahogany.

63. We know that a week ago four MIRV warheads were smuggled... out of the former Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan.

64. They smuggled him into America because they know if he commits an act of terror here, your government will blame Moscow.

65. When Bootlegging first started to become popular, Mexco and Canada were the main borders that alcohol was being smuggled across into the US.

66. Western merchants Clamoured to be let into the massive Chinese market, and they smuggled in the opium drug on an industrial scale

67. In 2000, ya ba was smuggled across the porous border with Myanmar and from the neighbouring Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai Provinces of Thailand.

68. The idea that the drug is called Crank because it was smuggled in Crank cases of vehicles is so ridiculous it is laughable.

69. They say the most likely way the keys were smuggled out was by a prison warder rather than an inmate to a visitor.

70. I had a little Bible that I had smuggled into the house, and I was able to wedge this into the springs.

71. It was smuggled through the US diplomatic pouch, secretly installed across the facade of a building overlooking Havana and given a very specific mission: to annoy Fidel Castro.

72. Abortifacients are controlled drugs only prescribed by doctors to women who need them but these are smuggled illegally and sold for as high as RO500 per dose

73. View in context Some 512 Artifacts dating back to second and third millennium BC, stolen and smuggled from Pakistan to France, were seized by the French Customs at

74. Charles Joseph Coward (30 January 1905–1976), known as the "Count of Auschwitz", was a British soldier captured during the Second World War who rescued Jews from Auschwitz and claimed he had smuggled himself into the camp for one night, subsequently testifying about his experience at the IG Farben Trial at Nuremberg.He also smuggled at least several hundred Jewish prisoners out of

75. Because of these preferences, some West African immigrant populations in developed countries also desire traditional tastes and as a result, Bushmeat is smuggled into many areas around the world.

76. I would also like to emphasise the role of Egypt, which must act forcefully to prevent any assistance reaching terrorists in the form of weapons smuggled through underground tunnels into Gaza.

77. Resources such as diamonds, gold, tungsten, tantalum, and tin are mined, smuggled, and illegally taxed by violent armed groups, and provide off-budget funding to abusive militaries and security services.

78. In a number of cases , the female that originally built the brood nest , acts as the foster mother and tends both her own larvae and the ones smuggled in by the intruder .

79. I smuggled $10 million of alcohol down what was unquestionably the most dangerous road at the time — Route Irish in Iraq,” James told us while sipping on an Old Fashioned concocted using Buckshee Rye cocktail.

80. Orriginally a Bootlegger was a person who smuggled contraband onto a ship in the long boots made of waxed leather used to keep dry when entering and exiting small boats used to get to and from a ship at anchor