Use "smooth muscle" in a sentence

1. Blood vessels contain only smooth muscle cells

2. Glomus tumors and other smooth muscle tumors can mimic Carcinoids, but, unlike Carcinoids, express smooth muscle actin and no NE markers

3. Pathophysiology: Bronchospasm is a disorder of smooth muscle.

4. Agonist activation enhances smooth muscle myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity.

5. Force displacement transducers recorded predominantly longitudinal smooth muscle activity.

6. 28 Methylxanthines cause central nervous system stimulation, diureses,[] cardiac muscle stimulation & smooth muscle relaxation.

7. Strong adductor muscle and smooth, silky, non-floury texture

8. 7 Role of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in smooth muscle.

9. In particular, smooth muscle Actin is an alpha Actin that is found in skeletal muscle

10. Smooth muscle tumor and skeletal muscle tumors: There has been no significant change in this group.

11. The Ciliary muscle is composed of smooth muscle fibers oriented in longitudinal, radial, and circular directions

12. 9 Secretin was without effect on gastric smooth muscle activity.

13. It works by opening blood vessels by relaxing smooth muscle.

14. Each Bronchus contains cartilage, a mucosal lining, and smooth muscle

15. 6 Airway smooth muscle is fundamental in maintain airway tone.

16. 8 Vasodilatory agents relax vascular smooth muscle, thereby reducing SVR.

17. The biopsy of your lung cyst showed smooth muscle cells.

18. Muscle tissue in the higher animals is classified as striated, smooth, or cardiac, Explanation of Agonistic muscle

19. Lanthanum chloride Bidirectionally influences calcification in bovine vascular smooth muscle cells

20. As Arterioles become smaller in diameter, they lose their smooth muscle

21. Key words: leukotrienes, platelet-activating factor, smooth muscle, anaphylaxis, food allergy.

22. The Circumferential alignment of human aortic smooth muscle cells (HASMCs) in an orthogonally micropatterned circular microfluidic channel is reported to form an in vivo-like smooth muscle cell layer

23. 13 The regulation of vascular and trabecular smooth muscle relaxation or contraction in the penis, that is, the physiology of corporal smooth muscle tone, determines penile erection or flaccidity.

24. In the peripheral nervous system Acetylcholine plays a role in skeletal muscle movement, as well as in the regulation of smooth muscle and cardiac muscle.

25. Arterioles provide blood to the organs and are chiefly composed of smooth muscle

26. Mainly rare smooth muscle tumor, a longer course of disease, dysphagia more intermittent.

27. Antispasmodics can be divided into two main classifications: antimuscarinics and smooth muscle relaxants

28. In sudden asphyxic asthma, airflow obstruction results primarily from smooth muscle mediated bronchospasm.

29. Exterior PS could relieve spasm of bronchiole smooth muscle and alleviate airway inflammation.

30. 11 Mainly rare smooth muscle tumor, a longer course of disease, dysphagia more intermittent.

31. 2 Several theories of the factors causing smooth muscle cell proliferation have been made.

32. 3 This pattern was limited to the distal, smooth muscle portion of the oesophagus.

33. ‘Smooth muscle fibers usually contract slowly but are capable of sustained Contractile activity.’ ‘Good correlation exists between findings in vitro and the observed Contractile properties in vivo.’ ‘Smooth muscle cells possess a Contractile apparatus consisting …

34. Sclerotic fibroma expands the spectrum of fibrous lesions that may express α-smooth-muscle actin.

35. Bronchodilators help open the airways in the lungs by relaxing smooth muscle around the airways

36. 4 Light microscopical studies of smooth muscle of the fallopian tubes showed no histological abnormalities.

37. Birthmarks are caused by overgrowth of blood vessels, melanocytes, smooth muscle, fat, fibroblasts, or keratinocytes.

38. Specimen ofpatient 1.Right sideshows histopathologic imageof positiveimmunostaining fora smooth muscle Actinfrom specimen ofpatient 2

39. Five histologically distinctive uterine smooth muscle neoplasms with multifocal hemorrhages termed Apoplectic leiomyomas were studied

40. 14 Isotonic contraction was recorded by using vascular smooth muscle strips of rat in vivo.

41. (10) Clonidine and methysergide Constrict the rabbit auricular artery by activating smooth muscle alpha-adrenoceptors

42. Arterioles have muscular walls that usually consist of one or two layers of smooth muscle.

43. Besides afferent nerve terminals these are numerous efferent endings on the smooth muscle basement laminae.

44. Bronchodilators are drugs that open up (dilate) the breathing passages by relaxing the bronchial smooth muscle

45. Arteriole In Arterioles, the tunica media contains only one or two layers of smooth muscle cells

46. Atherosclerotic plaque formation commences with lipid deposition followed by smooth muscle cell (SMC) migration and accumulation.

47. Myoglobin is found in Type I muscle, Type II A and Type II B, but most texts consider myoglobin not to be found in smooth muscle.

48. The muscularis propria blood flow displayed an aborally increasing gradient with flow to proximal esophagus (striated muscle) < distal esophagus (smooth muscle) < lower esophageal sphincter.

49. The former consists of smooth muscle cell layers, which are adjoined by a network of elastic fibers.

50. Smad2 and Myocardin-Related Transcription Factor B Cooperatively Regulate Vascular Smooth Muscle Differentiation From Neural Crest Cells

51. In contrast to MLC, calponin phosphorylation levels are maintained during agonist stimulation of intact vascular smooth muscle.

52. Our aim was to find out whether opioid agonists have direct vasodilator actions on vascular smooth muscle.

53. However, expression and agonist-mediated regulation of CPI-17 in bronchial smooth muscle have not been documented.

54. The results in Fig. 3 confirm that the isoform is only expressed in visceral smooth muscle tissues.

55. In the swine tracheal smooth muscle, Chloroform has been demonstrated to directly and in a concentration dependent

56. Terminal Bronchioles are lined by simple ciliated ___ or ___ epithelium which rests on smooth muscle and fibroelastic CT

57. (1) Birthmarks are caused by an overgrowth of blood vessels, melanocytes, smooth muscle, fat, fibroblasts, or keratinocytes

58. Arteries typically have a thicker tunica media than veins, containing more smooth muscle cells and elastic tissue

59. Results: Lens epithelial cells expressed smooth-muscle alpha-actin under the influence of LCM or TGF-β.

60. 25 BK _ ( Ca ) channel plays an important role in regulating smooth muscle contractility and maintaining membrane potential ...

61. 23 Chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudoobstruction is usually caused by disease of the enteric nerves or smooth muscle.

62. 10 Methods The functions of GJIC in bladder smooth muscle were detected by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching(FRAP).

63. 24 The results in Fig. 3 confirm that the isoform is only expressed in visceral smooth muscle tissues.

64. This is accomplished by administering agents that either inhibit or induce the activity of alpha-smooth muscle actin.

65. 12 However, if it is just the fimbria end. smooth muscle bundle is not necessary to make diagnosis.

66. At this level, the Bronchioles are no longer surrounded by cartilage and display a ring of smooth muscle.

67. Beta 2 Adrenergic Receptors stimulated by norepinephrine causes… Bronchodilation (useful for asthma) and can also relax smooth muscle.

68. The alpha Actins are expressed primarily in skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle, while the remaining beta and gamma

69. 20 The muscles involved in such tremors and twitches are skeletal, as opposed to cardiac or smooth muscle.

70. The Ciliary body contains smooth muscle fibers called Ciliary muscles that help to control the shape of the lens

71. Arterioles have all three layers but the tunica media is comprised of 1-3 layers of smooth muscle fibers

72. In connection with the degeneration of smooth muscle cells, accumulations of crystal-like fibrin formations could often be shown.

73. Stimulation of these receptors Activates the Gs adenylyl cyclase cyclic AMP pathway with consequent reduction in smooth muscle tone

74. The mass of the "Atheroma" is composed of a mixture of lipid and subintimal smooth muscle cells

75. The competition between atropine and a full agonist, carbachol, was tested on dibenamine-pretreated smooth muscle of rabbit stomach.

76. 15 In addition to its potent vasoconstrictive actions, ET-1 is also a mitogen for vascular smooth muscle cells.

77. 1 It has been repeatedly reported that smooth muscle antibodies of autoimmune chronic hepatitis are directed to cell actin.

78. The definition of Coordination is the ability to execute smooth, accurate, controlled motor responses (optimal interaction of muscle function).

79. The L-arginine-NO system exerts various biological actions including vascular smooth muscle relaxation and inhibition of platelet aggregation.

80. 21 Similar RNA analysis showed that the visceral isoform was not expressed in 20 day fetal rabbit smooth muscle tissues.