Use "smoke-screen" in a sentence

1. A smoke screen...?

2. Roswell was a smoke screen.

3. Sheffield quickly retreated under cover of a smoke screen.

4. A 40 mm shell from Indianapolis set off San Francisco's smoke screen generators.

5. As she emerged from a smoke screen, she nearly collided with the destroyer Heermann.

6. That afternoon, the cruisers made contact, attacked, and retired under cover of a smoke screen.

7. Prince of Wales made a 160° turn and laid a smoke screen to cover her withdrawal.

8. Hostile laid a smoke screen that allowed Hotspur to escape while Havock engaged the German ships.

9. He ordered the destroyers and DEs to make a smoke screen to conceal the retreating carriers.

10. The Japanese suffered heavy casualties that day, and the next day they advanced behind a smoke screen.

11. During this operation German torpedo boats attacked Niblack and PC-556 under cover of a dense smoke screen.

12. By 23:02 the ships commenced laying a heavy smoke screen, and the Axis attacks were beaten off.

13. The destroyers laid a smoke screen in an attempt to hide the carrier, but the Germans quickly closed the distance.

14. Lützow fired her last shot at 20:45, at which point the smoke screen had successfully hidden her from the British line.