Use "smiting" in a sentence

1. The hieroglyphs at the right side say "first smiting of the east".

2. Later, he went smiting the enemy, “piling legs upon thighs with a great slaughter.”

3. The record reads: “Jehovah set men in ambush against the sons of Ammon, Moab and the mountainous region of Seir who were coming into Judah, and they went smiting one another.

4. Epic Blackguard bonus feats: armor skin, epic fiendish servant, epic prowess, epic reputation, epic toughness, epic weapon focus, great smiting, improved combat casting, improved sneak attack, overwhelming critical, perfect health, planar turning

5. The Blackguard has many options available to them -- sending forth dark minions and servants to do their bidding, attacking with stealth and honorless guile, or straightforward smiting of the forces of good that

6. "The Chastisement of our peace was upon HIM, and by HIS stripes we are healed." He is chastising thee, not punishing thee; he is correcting thee in measure, he is not smiting thee in wrath