Use "smelling salts" in a sentence

1. Can someone pass the smelling salts?

2. These smelling salts will fetch her to.

3. Miss Pitty, could I have your smelling salts?

4. Otherwise you might have to apply the smelling salts.

5. It often worked like a dose of smelling salts.

6. WILL: No, not without some serious smelling salts and a heater.

7. I gave the girl some smelling salts to bring her to.

8. She has fainted; we're trying to fetch her to with smelling salts.

9. I gave him a sniff of smelling salts to bring him round.

10. Ten minutes later as she sat in the Ladies' cloakroom, smelling-salts to her nose, Sophie joined her.

11. ‘When he Awoke, two hours later, a wave of nausea swept over him.’ ‘A few hours later when Maria Awoke she couldn't remember where she was.’ ‘An hour later I Awoke in my chamber with the help of smelling salts.’ ‘When I Awoke, some hours later, my heart racing without a complete recollection of why, the fire had died.’