Use "small room" in a sentence

1. They have assigned me a small room.

2. The small room snugged with the fire burning.

3. Six or seven prisoners slept in each small room.

4. Jun eyed the double bed in the small room doubtfully.

5. He immure himself in a small room to work undisturbed.

6. Closet definition is - an apartment or small room for privacy

7. That small room contained the sum total of the family's possessions.

8. An Anteroom is a small room leading into a larger room

9. In a small room where floor space is a commodity, Corner …

10. 1 That small room contained the sum total of the family's possessions.

11. Cubby : A small room; a cubbyhole; a small secluded room; a small compartment.

12. Antechamber definition: An Antechamber is a small room leading into a larger room

13. Antechamber definition: An Antechamber is a small room leading into a larger room

14. She sent a silent message winging to the small room at the Admiralty.

15. He lived in a small room built on the terrace of his bungalow.

16. Whole families may be squeezed into one small room in some dilapidated apartment building.

17. A small room adjoining the bedroom, with late-18th-century furniture and recent folk art.

18. Entering an office building, he saw a pudgy older woman step into a small room.

19. Speak softly; you don't need a stentorian voice to be heard in this small room.

20. It is a small room containing a washing machine, ironing accessories and all necessary house cleaning.

21. I was ushered into a small room, so small my outstretched arms could touch each wall.

22. Synonyms for Cubbyhole include cubicle, booth, den, snug, cubby, hole, small room, compartment, pigeonhole and slot

23. A recess or small room adjacent to or opening out of a room: a dining Alcove

24. Antechamber (plural Antechambers) A small room used as an entryway or reception area to a larger room

25. Cup of green tea table , the small room in circles investment - Lin ( a pseudonym ) slowly opened phonograph.

26. For a few days, she had become a hermit, closeted in the small room which Sam had rented.

27. We rented a small room in a boardinghouse and bought cans of spaghetti and also made sandwiches for ourselves.

28. 7 She led her up a stone staircase into a small room where Brownies were sitting on wooden toadstools.

29. Confessional definition: A Confessional is the small room in a church where Christians , especially Roman Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

30. 22 Their love was almost palpable in the small room, warm as the fire, strong and soothing as sweet tea.

31. Bookshelves in white or other light colors are ideal for brightening a room or making a small room appear larger

32. If you look inside the small room at the end of the tent, you can see a box, or chest.

33. Cubby definition: a small room or enclosed area, esp one used as a child's play area Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

34. 14 Jody stands at the head of the small room, her eyes bloodshot, her face pale and blotchy under the makeup.

35. Confessional (plural Confessionals) (Roman Catholic church) A small room where confession—the sacrament of reconciliation—is performed by a priest.Synonym: confession booth ca

36. Definition of an Anteroom The most basic definition of an Anteroom refers to a small room that is entered before a larger room

37. Breakables From the start of the mission, go to the right path to find Breakables in the right corner of a small room

38. In the other small room, we had a few pieces of modest furniture and a stove that Mother used to cook meals on.

39. Inspired by the Arthur Golden 1997 novel Memoirs of a Geisha, the video portrays Madonna as a geisha, dancing in a small room.

40. Some of the worst places for a Claustrophobic person to be are inside of an elevator, on an airplane, or in a small room.

41. From the small room which was once home to Peter van Pels, a walkway connects the building to its neighbours, also purchased by the Foundation.

42. Stormy Applause from a small crowd indoors ⚠ Applause in a small room ⚠ Applause in the concert hall ⚠ Cheering a small crowd indoors ⚠ Ovations of a small crowd ⚠ Bravo screams, Ovation in a small room ⚠ Clap in unison at the theater ⚠ Ovations of a small crowd indoors ⚠ Stormy Applause ⚠ Children and adolescents, Ovation of

43. An airing Cupboard is a small room or closet which is designed to house the core elements of a heating system, such as a boiler or hot water heater

44. Noun a recess or small room adjacent to or opening out of a room: a dining Alcove. a recess in a room for a bed, bookcases, or the like

45. An Airing cupboard is a small room or closet which is designed to house the core elements of a heating system, such as a boiler or hot water heater

46. I think I should lock myself in a room in a drinkery , then, maybe, I can throw out all the close in that small room, and erase the spoor you ever existed.

47. Anchorites are often considered to be a type of religious hermit, unlike hermits, Anchorites had to make a promise to God to stay in one place, which was a very small room, either

48. / ˈæn.t̬i.ruːm / / ˈæn.t̬i.rʊm / (also antechamber) a small room, especially a waiting room, that leads into a larger, more important room: The ministers waited for their meeting in the Cabinet Anteroom.

49. Synonyms of Anterooms a small room that is connected to a larger room and used as a place for people to wait before going into the larger room Synonyms & Near Synonyms for Anterooms

50. In a spacious home in India, a small room is set aside for doing puja —worship that may include making offerings of incense, flowers, and other things to images of various gods and goddesses.

51. The Boght Community Fire District was organized on July 8th 1940 due to a lack of fire protection in the community.The fire company was later incorporated on April 11th 1941, in a small room in the

52. His eyes, sapphire blue beneath a square-cut black mane, were on the olive-skinned woman across the small room, who was adjusting the gilded brass breastplates that displayed rather than concealed her swelling Bilobate chest.

53. The small room adjoining the Kingdom Hall in Papeete served as the branch office from 1975 until 1983, when a new branch was constructed in the township of Paea, about 15 miles [25 km] from Papeete.

54. An Antechamber is an entryway or a small room that leads into a larger one. If you visit a friend who lives in a mansion, her butler may ask you to wait in the Antechamber while he summons her.

55. The Bathysphere is always kept in a small room at the lower level of the ComVee.Whenever the ComVee is floating on a body of water, the Bathysphere could be launched out the bottom of the ComVee to be used for underwater expeditions.

56. Anchorites are often considered to be a type of religious hermit, unlike hermits, Anchorites had to make a promise to God to stay in one place, which was a very small room, either attached to, or within the wall of, a local church

57. The Bathysphere is always kept in a small room at the lower level of the ComVee.Whenever the ComVee is floating on a body of water, the Bathysphere could be launched out the bottom of the ComVee to be used for underwater expeditions.

58. English Language Learners Definition of Air lock : a small room that has two doors which can be sealed tightly so that no air enters or leaves and that is used for moving between two spaces with different air pressures in a submarine, spaceship, etc

59. Seo In-guk as Lee Hyun / David Lee Hong Hyun-taek as young Lee Hyun Lee Hyun was a "strange child" who caught the attention of his father, a police inspector, who later confined the child in a small room to prevent him from breeding criminal thoughts.

60. Cellular (adj.) 1753, "consisting of or resembling cells," with reference to tissue, from Modern Latin Cellularis "of little cells," from cellula "little cell," diminutive of cella "small room" (see cell).Of mobile phone systems (in which the area served is divided into "cells" of …

61. Cubbyhole (n.) "small, enclosed space," 1825, the first element possibly from a diminutive of cub "stall, pen, cattle shed, coop, hutch" (1540s), a dialect word with apparent cognates in Low German (such as East Frisian kubbing, Dutch kub).Or perhaps it is related to cuddy "small room, cupboard" (1793), originally "small cabin in a boat" (1650s), from Dutch kajuit, from French cahute.