Use "slumped" in a sentence

1. She slumped against the wall.

2. Profits slumped by over 50%.

3. She slumped to her knees.

4. She slumped into a chair.

5. Net profits slumped by 41%.

6. She slumped dejectedly over the wheel.

7. Sales slumped by 20% last year.

8. The loser sat slumped in dejection.

9. Sales have slumped this year.

10. She slumped into the chair, exhausted.

11. 2 Ominously, car sales slumped in August.

12. 1 She slumped dejectedly over the wheel.

13. His health slumped after a long illness.

14. He slumped down exhausted on the settee.

15. He slumped down into a chair.

16. The value of property has slumped.

17. The currency slumped to a record low.

18. Carol slumped back in her chair, defeated.

19. Ollie gasped with pain and slumped forward.

20. The old man slumped down in his chair.

21. He slumped back on the sofa in tears.

22. Ben, drunk and incoherent, slumped in a chair.

23. She slumped to the ground in a faint.

24. 7 The value of property has slumped.

25. Adam lay slumped and motionless beside her.

26. Her shoulders slumped and her eyes filled with tears.

27. They found her slumped over the steering wheel.

28. 5 She slumped to the ground, near to heat exhaustion.

29. Frank sat slumped tiredly, sipping cup after cup of tea.

30. Tired from her walk she slumped onto the sofa.

31. He slumped there on the wet street, coat muddied and stained.

32. 22 Sitting like that, slumped and half-naked, he looked almost dissolute.

33. He slumped back in his seat and stared resentfully through the windscreen.

34. Prices slumped in the wake of severe competition from coal - tar dyes .

35. Feeling a wave of dizziness, she slumped defeatedly at the kitchen table.

36. The superintendent sat back, shoulders slumped, her eyes bleary with fatigue and thoughtfulness.

37. 29 The market slumped after that high point, only to bounce back strongly.

38. Maybe she had tried, but in her sixties she had slumped into forgetfulness.

39. They were rowed out and slumped over their oars at the finish line.

40. He tottered to the fridge, got a beer and slumped at the table.

41. Behind, lay a pile of chained human bones, a slumped fettered skeleton.

42. I stopped and slumped dazedly back on my heels, facing utter defeat.

43. He had slumped into a state of torpor from which nothing could rouse him.

44. Darren, looking small and extremely disgruntled, was slumped in the front left-hand seat.

45. The superintendent sat slumped back in her chair, cupping her chin in her hand.

46. Niurka sat slumped with her head down, a picture of solitude and depression.

47. 14 They left him slumped in a drunken stupor against the church wall.

48. I slumped to the ground, despair weighing as heavily as the load on my back.

49. Unfortunately the expedition had to be aborted after Lukas Brandner slumped into a crevasse.

50. Carol Bartz is now in, and she's a pragmatist allied tothat Yahoo's profits have slumped seriously.

51. I let go a lungful of air, slumped back against the parapet and lit another Capstan.

52. Bad news Begat bad news and the shares slumped 3½p to close at 2.875p

53. The property sector slumped 2 %, but utilities turned in a good performance after lagging recently.

54. When the lion finally did relax its jaws, the lion tamer just slumped to the ground, motionless.

55. Hong Kong's Hang Seng index fell by 1.8%, while South Korea's Kospi index slumped by 1.3%.

56. The heaviest gales were felt on the technology heavy Nasdaq market, which slumped 25 percent for the day.

57. With a groan of defeat he slumped back against the reception desk, jamming his elbow against the counter.

58. The lamp's dim yellow light showed him to be seated, or rather slumped, in his big armchair.

59. During that initial visit, the team found undernourished children whose slumped posture made it difficult for them to eat.

60. When Greaves was sold to Milan in June 1961 the writing was on the wall and, without his goals, results slumped.

61. The engineering and industrial products group's pre-tax profits slumped to £5m in 1991 from £3m in the previous year.

62. 1 day ago · Burglaries slumped 20 per cent last year compared to 2019 as Britain went into national lockdowns

63. The government announced it was pumping 15 trillion yen ( $182bn ; £113bn ) into the economy to prop up the markets - which slumped on opening .

64. Under wave action, zone liquefaction sediment traps and fingerlike sandbody of wave base above there form, and fingerlike sandbody can bring isolation slumped turbidites.

65. As a result consumer confidence, surveyed by Ezi Data, an independent agency, slumped in the October-December quarter as higher prices ate into real incomes.

66. Albert Nash , blacksmith for 44 years in the village of Imber , Wiltshire , was found by his wife Martha slumped over the anvil in his forge .

67. 8 According to common problems on spiral excavation drilled-pouring pile, including deviation of pile, declivity of hole, slumped hole,[] it analyzes reasons and puts forward relative prevention measures.

68. He slumped into a big bechintzed and Becushioned chair by the small fire, quite regardless of nice manners, and for a silent moment gazed at it while she stood and gazed at him

69. Blue-chip stock indexes in Spain and Portugal slumped nearly 6% and 5%, respectively, while an index of Europe's 600 biggest companies dropped 7%. The euro sank more than 1% against the U.

70. As I slumped under the weight of my defeat, a small man put his hand on my shoulder, looked me in the eye, and said in that wonderful raspy voice, That's all right.

71. And all of a sudden as I was going down the stairs I noticed that there was a man slumped to the side, shirtless, not moving, and people were just stepping over him -- hundreds and hundreds of people.

72. 24 So, too, when a speaker is slumped over, not standing erect, it elicits a feeling of pity on the part of the audience toward the speaker because he does not appear to be well, and this, of course, detracts from the presentation.

73. ‘He Bellowed in pain and slowly slumped to the ground.’ ‘Nick Bellowed in pain, as she scrambled for her purse, crawling away.’ ‘Several of the bulls started bellowing and the cows mooing.’ ‘Men were bellowing and roaring as they charged, lost to all rational thought.’ ‘As the Beast Bellowed…