Use "sluggishly" in a sentence

1. Antonyms for Busily include idly, inactively, quietly, languidly, lazily, passively, casually, lethargically, sluggishly and unthinkingly

2. Antonyms for Buoyantly include dully, inanimately, sluggishly, tardily, slow, leisurely, slowly, seriously, thoughtfully and unspiritedly

3. Awkwardly staged, sluggishly paced, and gratingly scored, Late Bloomers is not without its effective moments.

4. Synonyms for Apathetically include idly, casually, languidly, lazily, passively, indolently, inertly, languorously, lethargically and sluggishly

5. A drain that runs sluggishly or is completely stopped up is usually Clogged with grease, soap, hair, or a solid object

6. 30 My thoughts, Like melting glaciers in March, Trickling sluggishly; Like limpid streamlet, Flowing merrily through your spring.

7. • The Great River swept sluggishly through meads that were Aflame with buttercups and dotted with the last patches of melting snow

8. In two years, only 54 of the 600 printed copies of Romantic Songs were sold, and One Hour After Midnight received only one printing and sold sluggishly.

9. Streams move sluggishly and Brackishly toward their ocean destinations, fouling that immense body of water beyond be-lievability.-Our land is scarred, our timber supply danger-ously low, and the energy crisis is upon us

10. From Choctaw, the Louisiana French changed the spelling to "Bayouque" until the last syllable was dropped, leaving the iconic Louisiana-American term "bayou." In its current and modern form, a bayou is a slow-moving creek or stream that sluggishly snakes through a …