Use "sloops" in a sentence

1. The Aubretias were re-classified as Convoy Sloops

2. The English Navy began using small ships in the 1650s, but described them as sloops rather than corvettes.

3. At its height, the Navy had 94 ships-of-the-line, 104 frigates and 37 sloops in service.

4. These were officially described as Australian minesweepers, or as minesweeping sloops by the Royal Navy, and were named after Australian towns.

5. At the time, fully Battened sails — especially full battens placed at the head of the sail — were becoming very popular among the performance one-design sloops

6. Blackbeard’s crew of 20 had spent the night drinking and might have been surprised at anchor, had one of Maynard’s sloops not run aground coming into the anchorage

7. For his motives were those of patriotism; and his conduct that of an honourable man.258 The Rainbow, at the request of the Admiralty, proceeded to sea on 3rd August "to guard trade routes north of the equator," and on the 5th was assigned the specific duty of finding and protecting two British sloops, Shearwater and Algerine, both lacking wireless and steering north for San Diego, California.