Use "slogging" in a sentence

1. 23 They secure their degrees by slogging through an intensive 11-month course.

2. He doesn't want me to be slogging as hard as he is right now.

3. They secure their degrees by slogging through an intensive 11-month course.

4. I've been slogging away for days on this essay and I'm still not finished.

5. But after three days of hard slogging, they were still within sight of the ship.

6. There we are slogging through the wetlands, and I'm panting and sweating, got mud up to my knees, and Miguel's calmly conducting a biology lecture.

7. Six out of 10 voters are still not buying and three weeks of slogging seem to have made not a jot of difference.

8. Catherine Ryan Howard describes herself in "Backpacked" as someone completely unsuited to backpacking -- an unadventurous introvert who loves Starbucks, shopping, and five-star hotels as opposed to slogging through jungle, sleeping in hostels, and living on instant coffee and junk food.