Use "slangy" in a sentence

1. 8 The play was full of slangy dialogue.

2. In order for slang to be slangy, it has to have a feeling of perpetual newness.Sentencedict

3. Monty broke into slangy, rapid French, gesticulating and hopping from foot to peg-leg and back again.

4. Having “Carked” as a domain name with its slangy, informal tone could offend those accessing the content of this website

5. When people are being slangy or folksy, you hear this word a lot: "Get off your Ass!"

6. Arse is an old word, with origins going all the way back through Old English to the language’s Germanic roots.It was originally an inoffensive and even polite term for the body part, but it eventually became slangy and somewhat vulgar