Use "slain" in a sentence

1. Two Australian tourists were slain.

2. They were slain in the spirit.

3. The Emperor has been slain.

4. Günther was slain in the catacombs.

5. I see those slain by the sword!

6. Two passengers were slain by the hijackers.

7. Slain Bear Bemoaner, released 13 September 2017 1

8. ( 1) Kill Credit: Mark of the AmalgAmated slain

9. And will no longer cover over her slain.”

10. They cannibalism and sometimes eat their slain enemies raw.

11. That same night Belshazzar king of Chaldea was slain

12. The multitude of the slain and the heaps of carcasses

13. Carnage definition is - the flesh of slain animals or humans

14. Centurions, Assemble! WoW quest Shadowlands Bastion (Overseer Phoneira slain) video

15. But the 27-year-old Cosby was slain early Thursday.

16. And now He was being rejected and about to be slain.

17. He was found slain in an alley two blocks from his apartment.

18. When he touched me, I fell down unconscious, “slain in the spirit.”

19. Roll two dice scoring 4 and 6 a further 2 men slain.

20. The sun rose, glinting on the armor and broken weapons of the newly slain.

21. When the Brigand Pounder is destroyed all other Brigands are immediately slain

22. The king of Wu has been slain by an undistinguished young queen!

23. Where the deer is slain, some of her blood will lie. 

24. 12 Where the deer is slain, some of her blood will lie. 

25. “... Jesus of Nazareth, ... [whom] ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain: ...

26. 16 They that be slain with the sword are better than they that be slain with hunger: for these pine away, stricken through for want of the fruits of the field.

27. Where the deer is slain[], some of her blood will lie. 

28. Only five weeks into the year, 16 people have been slain in San Francisco.

29. Police believe Hansen was slain and his body dumped into a trash container.

30. Others were slain because they belonged to a particular ethnic group or were mistaken for enemies.

31. The slothful man saith , There is a lion without, I shall be slain in the streets.

32. In Behint yon auld fail dyke, I wot there lies a new-slain Knight

33. Aegisthus definition is - a lover of Clytemnestra slain with her by her son Orestes.

34. In its middle was a statue of a weeping woman holding her slain son.

35. 4 And among the Lamanites who were slain were almost all the aseed of Amulon and his brethren, who were the priests of Noah, and they were slain by the hands of the Nephites;

36. If they are slain in the spirit decorous thump: there's to be no rolling afterwards.

37. He was slain, and all who obeyed him were scattered and came to nothing.

38. So his Amirship only saw a rise and increase in the number of those slain

39. “As for his army, it will be swept* away, and many will fall down slain.

40. Edward M.. Kennedy, the younger brother of the slain president, would be his 1972 rival.

41. The psalmist was perhaps referring to a battlefield, where those slain become food for jackals.

42. Tens of thousands were slain, drowned by waves, buried by earthquakes, struck by magical lightning.

43. Greek mythology a woman transformed into a Gorgon by Athena ; she was slain by Perseus.

44. Ki molt bien Cantoit" who was slain in the battle of Hastings, in 1066

45. PNP Asserts slain Calbayog mayor not target of operation ( - March 11, 2021 - 6:11pm

46. The two settled their lances, rode at each other, and the pagan knight was slain.

47. Kabera said local residents helped soldiers pursue the group, and 11 of them were slain.

48. ‘Though I have slain many on this day, it is for your life that I will claim Bloodguilt.’

49. The king has Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah, slain in battle and then takes her as a wife

50. HIV has remained unscathed by dozens of experimental concoctions that would surely have slain lesser viruses.

51. The English Gesta Henrici described three great heaps of the slain around the three main English standards.

52. And then a foul assassin, a Son of Ishmael, rose up against him, and he was slain.

53. They said that he had been ambushed while unarmed and slain by a thrust in the back.

54. Bursting When slain, non-boss enemies explode, causing all players to suffer damage over 4 sec.

55. Upon his release, Osceola vowed retribution; on December Thompson was slain by the Seminoles in retaliation.

56. In this case, many were slain as the Lamanites attacked and the people were brought into bondage.

57. Kishkumen was slain while attempting to kill Helaman, and Gadianton became the leader of the secret band.

58. Authorities and citizens alike were shocked when the slain man was identified as Deputy Mayor Allan Finch.

59. 4 Without me they shall bow down under the prisoners, and they shall fall under the slain.

60. 7 aO the pain, and the anguish of my soul for the loss of the slain of my people!

61. Now, detectives are investigating the possibility that a fourth woman may have been slain by the retired Army sergeant.

62. 2 He saw that there had been slain by the sword already nearly atwo millions of his people, and he began to sorrow in his heart; yea, there had been slain two millions of mighty men, and also their wives and their children.

63. Bari can be defeated with a single sword attack; however, red Bari split into two Biri when slain with most weapons

64. When Arachn was slain by an Etherian prince, Bartimus received a piece of land (which later became the kingdom of Hathoria

65. A Pump Wagon is dependent on its crew for mobility, so once its crew are all slain it can not move.

66. Friday, 29 years after he was slain by a single rifle shot, his assassination is once again a hot topic.

67. 17 A·biʹjah and his people inflicted a great slaughter on them, and the slain of Israel kept falling, 500,000 trained* men.

68. 18 Alan and I could at last wash out the roundhouse and be quit of the memorials of those whom we had slain .

69. Bent on eliminating this potential rival, Herod schemed to have all boys in Bethlehem two years of age and under slain.

70. An Apothecary's role in battle is to recover the gene-seed from slain Astartes and to tend to the wounded and maimed.

71. All had been slain Cruelly, their eyes cut from their heads, their backs flayed with heavy whips until the ribs showed.

72. The king sent 5,000 cavalry to fight them in the Yangmaek region; the Wei forces were defeated and some 8,000 slain.

73. The toll mounted Friday when three Christians were found slain in sugar cane fields in the nearby village of El Zuheir.

74. Nicephorus I himself was slain along with most of his troops, and his skull was lined with silver and used as a drinking cup.

75. Balaam also the son of Beor, the soothsayer, did the children of Israel slay with the sword among them that were slain by them.

76. Slain and resurrected by a surge of negative energy, the corpulent demon arose as the gaunt Tenebrous , a god of darkness and undeath.

77. And now, O king, we do not believe that a man has such great power, for we know he cannot be slain.

78. Abel, in the Old Testament, second son of Adam and Eve, who was slain by his older brother, Cain (Genesis 4:1–16)

79. A Churchwoman known for her compassionate and upbeat ways was brutally raped, beaten and slain while delivering a food basket to a needy family

80. “They were stoned, ... were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: ... wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, [and] tormented;