Use "skinners" in a sentence

1. Pewterers, plumbers, millwrights, saddlers, Bridlers, trunkmakers and distillers Hexham Weavers Tanners and Shoemakers Skinners and Glovers Hatters Morpeth Weavers Tanners Skinners, Glovers, and Butchers Fullers and Dyers Merchant Taylors Smiths, Saddlers and Armourers Cordwainers

2. I say old chap, it would Behoovest thou to remove thine phallus skinners from thine pockets post haste

3. An FYI for skinners: the funky "Consumed" pinkish-lavenderish bears are skinning lvl 90

4. During his trip to the USA Max Ramp makes out the absolute new and future oriented technology of skinners.

5. He takes the leather crafts, which the Guilds regulated, one by one: tanners, curriers, skinners, girdlers, glovers, cordwainers, pouch makers, Cofferers, and Leathersellers

6. (Elemental Salts are not Anatomies, although they are dropped by killed units and are gathered by skinners.)At present less than a third of all rare animal parts have a known use.

7. Anatomies in Illyriad is the more general term referring to both ordinary hides gathered by cotters, and rare animal parts gathered by skinners, where animals have been killed, either by players or by other animals