Use "single parent" in a sentence

1. Children, cooperate with your single parent

2. Now, our next guest is a single parent.

3. 20 Are you married, single, or a single parent?

4. In a single-parent home, resources may be very limited.

5. In the affidavit the single parent is to declare that

6. The single-parent family is a travesty of human needs.

7. (2) An affidavit which the single parent swears before a Magistrate.

8. Still adjusting to being a parent, much less a single parent.

9. 3 Youngsters in single-parent families often have their own struggles.

10. These changes are likely to impoverish single-parent families even further.

11. Examiner contributor Elva Yanez is a single parent living in Albany.

12. This example shows 3 child Animations controlled by a single parent animation

13. Single-parent families or religiously divided households are not necessarily financially strapped.

14. Autogamy, the production of gametes by the division of a single parent

15. He said it would be a retrograde step to remove single parent benefit.

16. An extreme example of the last one: a single parent of four who makes $120,000 won't qualify, where a single parent with four dependents who makes $119,000 will still get some Amount of …

17. Being a single parent is an example of something that has gained more Acceptability.

18. “Today there seems to be a dramatic increase in the number of single-parent families.

19. Thereafter, Mary struggled to fulfill her role as a single parent to her four children.

20. The number of single-parent families dependent on the state has risen enormously in recent years.

21. Now, there are, of course, some single families where it is the father who is the single parent.

22. In the United States, single-father households make up about 1 in 6 of all single-parent households.

23. The majority of children living in single-parent households are there because of separation or divorce, not illegitimacy.

24. Historically, the single parent has been the norm in no society, but patriarchal linear life is now economically over.

25. There were, for example, requests made in favor of free sex, lesbianism, consensual relationships, “single parent” families and legalizing of abortions.

26. 10 This year's NPC session, Jiang bought hematoxylin Aspen wood to look into the AIDS orphans and AIDS affected single-parent children.

27. However, only living expenses for the children, childcare expenses and additional living expenses for single-parent families were considered in the bursary calculation.

28. One man became so consumed with his job as a sales representative that his wife described herself as a “de facto single parent.”

29. When the budding Comedienne was 10, her mother died of cancer, leaving her father to raise his young family as a single parent

30. Every Arkansan represents the working mom, the struggling grandparent, the local business owner, the pastor, the athlete, the caregiver, the teachers, the single parent

31. Living in a single-parent household has been difficult for us, but we have drawn closer to one another, and we have learned to appreciate the blessings we have.

32. ‘an Abusive relationship’ ‘The gratuitous gossip included claims of domestic violence, adultery and Abusive relationships.’ ‘She struggled through divorce, life as a single parent, Abusive relationships and another rocky marriage.’

33. Many fine young people were raised in a single-parent environment and can now be found faithfully serving God in the thousands of Christian congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world.

34. With regard to single parent families # per cent of which were headed by women, in cases where the child was not recognized by the other parent, usually the father, or his identity was not known, no alimony or support could be ordered

35. Also Known As: Mon Rak Asoon, Mon Ruk A Soon, Mont Ruk Asoon Genres: Romance , Drama Tags: Controlling Male Lead , Cold Male Lead , Nice Female Lead , Secondary Couple , Hardworking Female Lead , Bickering Couple , Possessive Male Lead , Single Parent , Mafia , Debt (Vote or add tags)

36. All of this creates Burdensome and disorganizing levels of stress, which is a major cause of divorce and the creation of single-parent families.: My client realizes that altering your name may seem a Burdensome proposition at this time.: Many firms in France and Germany already find the cost of employment extremely Burdensome.: As such the money soon evaporates into thin air and the