Use "single account" in a sentence

1. Note: For all services, Google Home currently supports a single account per streaming service.

2. Different purchasing points within an account, which reduce the ability to treat the customer like a single account.

3. The National Finance Department is planning to popularize the treasury single account system throughout the country from 200

4. What began in 2016 with a single account, Catcalls of NYC, has become an international movement against street harassment

5. Third party agencies can utilize Google My Business to manage small and medium-sized businesses or chain business clients in a single account.

6. Poor countries would receive prompt and predictable financing for agricultural inputs from a single account, rather than from dozens of distinct and fragmented donors.

7. Backdoored images downloaded 5 million times finally removed from Docker Hub 17 images posted by a single account over 10 months may have generated $90,000

8. Around a quarter of all gamers spend hard cold cash on virtual items, with one player spending as much as 700 euros ($ 2 on a single account.

9. Post-structuralism differs from most other approaches to international politics because it does not see itself as a theory, school or paradigm which produces a single account of the subject matter.

10. In 200 pilot project department have increased to and 712 base budget unit have been included, 151 hundred millions fund have been channeled into the scope of the Treasury Single Account.