Use "simmers" in a sentence

1. The Curio operation simmers with a passion for craftsmanship, technology and unbound imagination

2. Honeycomb Aeronautical, world class flight sim products, made for simmers, flight students and real world pilots

3. But it was a long gestation, and a fierce debate still simmers about when and where the birth actually took place.

4. To make an Authentically flavored pho broth, begin with vegetable or mushroom stock and add black peppercorns, cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, coriander seeds, and fresh ginger as the broth simmers

5. Mastering very technical Cockpits can be challenging and the team at Asobo Studio wanted to make the simulator accessible for all, while still maintaining the complexity that more experienced simmers desire

6. In one such case study of the treatment of amblyopia in an adult, Anita Simmers and Lyle Gray (both based in Glasgow Caledonian University) reported the case of a 30-year-old strabismic Amblyope

7. When it's over when rawthroat simmers raindrum stills breath deepens howls subside when jagged moon tumbles hallelujah dog rose petalfolds evening moist when cannons quiet arms circle soft mercury dips cool on tender tongues when coils +++++u n r a v e l +++++Caffled…