Use "silenced" in a sentence

1. Galileo was silenced.

2. The silenced crowd waited expectantly.

3. Knives and silenced weapons.

4. 24 A ringing phone silenced her.

5. Switch weapon to silenced mode.

6. He was characterized a "rogue employee," and silenced.

7. To prevent silenced notifications from visually interrupting you:

8. 18 The gang silenced witnesses by intimidation.

9. I was basically silenced for voicing a dissenting opinion.

10. Silenced by his skillful reply, they leave.

11. 1 The gang silenced witnesses by intimidation.

12. The Priory's few remaining members will be silenced.

13. As a result, we suffer in solitude, silenced by stigma.

14. This embarrassing but fairly mild treatment silenced him.

15. But the wicked will be silenced in darkness,+

16. So the song of the tyrants is silenced.

17. In 1616 Galileo may have been silenced on Copernicanism.

18. He laughed triumphantly, and silenced her by manly smothering.

19. Although Tudor faced innumerable lawsuits for libel, he could not be silenced.

20. " Stop! " with such extraordinary violence that he silenced her instantly.

21. Hayes paid Ali to shoot Rankin, then you silenced Ali and swapped the reports.

22. Silenced herself, she is reduced to the status of his Amanuensis

23. These voices will not be silenced by such heavy-handed tactics.”

24. 13 Cassandra silenced him with a sharp dig in the small of the back.

25. Learn how to control which sounds are silenced with "Do Not Disturb."

26. According to police, both men were shot with silenced weapons at point-blank range.

27. If you censor one journalist, then it intimidates others, and soon nations are silenced.

28. " The flow of electric currents was interrupted, " and the alarm was effectively silenced. "

29. An hour later, Tillman silenced a shore battery which had been firing on Yellow Beach.

30. Ministers who refused to sign were silenced, ill-treated , and driven from their homes.

31. Breeze looked up, meaning to expostulate, but was silenced by what she saw in her sister's face.

32. But then I went to the site and all of the audio in my site had been silenced.

33. If a naysayer close to you has been difficult and critical, there's a good chance that you've finally silenced that person.

34. One of the beasts let out a bellow, and the rogue magus silenced it with a wave of his hand. Something.

35. 2021 Example sentences from the Web for Biggy But Biggy silenced the voice of his better judgment, and nibbled away.

36. If a naysayer close to you has been difficult and critical, there's a good chance you've finally silenced that person.

37. We Will Not Be Silenced: Responding Courageously to Our Culture's Assault on Christianity (Audible Audio Edition): Erwin W

38. Then our coast will be enlarged, 1 Chronicles 4:9,10, and Complainings silenced, or rather, turned into joyful thanksgivings.

39. The flowers had pistils that protruded beyond their anthers, a similar phenotype to CORONATINE-INSENSITIVE1-silenced plants which lack a jasmonate receptor.

40. “Peaceful activists like Pham Minh Hoang deserve to be heard by their fellow citizens, not silenced by the courts.”

41. The ship was subjected to hostile fire on several occasions, but each time countered effectively and silenced the enemy batteries.

42. Alarms with a "hush" or "pause" feature are highly recommended as they permit the alarm to be temporarily silenced if it is activated accidentally.

43. Unlike in past seasons, his insouciant shot-making was also often ruthlessly effective, certainly to the point that Berba's critics were all but silenced.

44. But we do know that journalism, activism and public debate are being silenced in the effort to stamp out extremist speech.

45. But in this Anguishing and essential film, they are heard — and the implications of being silenced for so long come through loud and shamefully clear

46. The indigenous Batwa people are continuously being marginalized and silenced, which has rendered them one of Central Africa’s most vulnerable and endangered groups

47. Facultative heterochromatin is the result of genes that are silenced through a mechanism such as histone deacetylation or Piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) through RNAi.

48. Amid this mournful din — and in the various, anticlimactic Clatterings of resurrection that followed — one trademark voice was perhaps assumed silenced forever: Will “The Thrill” Viharo…

49. In addition to providing financial assistance, the Hellman/Hammett grants help raise international awareness of activists who are being silenced for speaking out in defense of human rights.

50. If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced. Vincent van Gogh 

51. Several of the American guns were destroyed or silenced, including the 32-pounder, a 24-pounder, and a 12-pounder, while some damage was done to the earthworks.

52. Perhaps this is all part of Russia’s Soviet heritage: “For almost 50 years, the fact of Collaborationism was silenced in our country,” notes historian Sergei Drobyazko who provides a

53. THE PILGRIM'S SHELL OR FERGAN THE QUARRYMAN EUGNE SUE At intervals the bells of the churches intermitted their Clangor, no doubt in the hope of having silenced the belfry

54. (Matthew 11:4, 5, 28-30) He was not too busy to respond to the needs of the afflicted, whether a hemorrhaging woman who quietly touched his garment or a blind beggar who would not be silenced.

55. The protest action, announced on Facebook, called for “dignity and the right to life for those who think differently”, remembering journalists and activists who have been silenced in Angola, among those Alves Cassule and Isaias Kamulingue disappeared since May 2012:

56. Title: Bodies of Confederate Artillerymen near Dunker church Other Title: alternate title Completely silenced: dead Confederate Artillerymen, as they lay around their battery, after the Battle of Antietam Creator(s): Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1882, photographer Date Created/Published: [photographed 1862, printed between 1880 and 1889]

57. These bare questions at once satisfied and silenced the greater number; some, however (like a few in England who are a century Behindhand), thought that all such inquiries were useless and impious; and that it was quite sufficient that God had thus made the mountains.

58. Results: in the performance during the COVID-19 pandemic, nursing professionals are exposed to violence of different natures related to occupational stress, work overload, Anguishes and silenced suffering, with implications for the workers' health, who can be benefited and strengthened with empathetic listening.

59. ‘The painter Cabrera was the first to depict Argentine historical subjects.’ ‘Uruguay might also import Argentine grain to fatten steers.’ ‘His version of Argentine history always adopts the silenced viewpoint of the oppressed.’ ‘The disc is breezy and refreshing, and reveals an utterly new side to the Argentine …

60. In his magnificent book We Will Not Be Silenced, my friend Erwin Lutzer has the vital answers, exhorting us to boldly and Courageously witness about our faith, come what may!” —Eric Metaxas, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Bonhoeffer and Martin Luther , host of …

61. Counterstorytelling is a qualitative research methodology grounded in principles of critical race theory and intended as a process for telling the lived experiences of people who are silenced and made invisible by existing dominant narratives (Delgado, 1989; Solórzano & Yosso, 2001, 2002).

62. This iconic phrase has become a popular cultural reference and its Curtness speaks to the attitude toward African American women in film [and otherwise], who are belittled in insignificant or supporting roles, portrayed exhibiting negative, hypersexualized behaviors, and silenced from the dominant dialogic exchange.

63. A Black Woman's Guide to Sex and Spirituality (One World/Ballantine Books, March 2002), Admonishes, inspires and pleads with women to return to the original woman God created them to be before they were silenced by abuse, racism, sexism or anything else that suppressed God's voice.

64. She wishes to see all women "dead awaken": "Our struggles can have meaning and our privileges-however precarious under patriarchy-can be justified only if they can help to change the lives of women whose gifts or Abortedand whose very being-continue to be thwarted and silenced" (On L., s., and 71 PAGE 77 S

65. The Coleopterans are likely to be the first target to be controlled by the new generation of transgenics, the “RNAi-plants.” Diabrotica virgifera virgifera ( Western corn rootworm, WCR) is one of the most important agricultural pests, and this species, along with other Coleopterans, requires little effort to have genes silenced by RNAi

66. The word blessed is in the plural, oh, the Blessednesses! the double joys, the bundles of happiness, the mountains of delight! Note the three words so often used to denote our disobedience: transgression, sin, and iniquity, are the three headed dog at the gates of hell, but our glorious Lord has silenced his barkings for ever against his own