Use "significances" in a sentence

1. In addition, the changes of width between second bicuspid and mandibular molars showed statistical significances.

2. It takes into consideration those factors which we deem relevant, and relates their significances.

3. Both these instruments have very strong phallic significances in primitive as well as later civilized societies .

4. Finally, the structure and function of the alimentary canal and its significances in Panorpidae taxonomy are briefly discussed.

5. Synonyms for Acceptations include meanings, purports, significances, senses, messages, denotations, connotations, intents, implications and imports

6. In the middle 1980 s , two archivist of the United States advocated significances of Provenance Principle.

7. 17 Kornberg, his contributions and the significances of the research for the process of eukaryotic transcription.

8. Altars appear throughout the Bible in many different forms with different significances, what altar is the Lord calling you to today?

9. How to correctly understand, Appraise and learn from West- ern Consultative Democracy is of theoretical and practical significances in today's Chinese consultative democracy development.