Use "signalled" in a sentence

1. She signalled frantically to us.

2. She signalled him to follow.

3. I signalled a yellow alert.

4. The referee signalled a foul.

5. Heavy footsteps signalled the teacher's approach.

6. He signalled to us to join him.

7. She signalled it was time to leave.

8. Ashanti signalled Ledbury to pick up survivors.

9. The patrolman signalled for her to stop.

10. He signalled left, and turned the lorry slowly.

11. He signalled to the waiter for the bill.

12. A fanfare signalled the entrance of the king.

13. This announcement signalled a clear change of policy.

14. She signalled to the bus driver to stop.

15. The policeman signalled to him to pull over.

16. He signalled his discontent by refusing to vote.

17. We signalled the taxi driver to pull over.

18. The whistle signalled the end of the match.

19. British sources last night signalled their readiness to talk.

20. Neptune then signalled for Lively to keep clear.

21. She signalled to the children to come inside.

22. The teacher signalled to the boy to begin.

23. 16 The whistle signalled the end of the match.

24. The union has signalled the workers' intention to strike.

25. Impact occurred seconds after the pilot signalled for help.

26. The police car signalled to us to pull in.

27. 28 He signalled his discontent by refusing to vote.

28. 5 She signalled to the bus driver to stop.

29. Mary signalled wildly at them, but they didn't notice.

30. He raised his hand and signalled for the waiter.

31. He pushed his plate away and signalled for coffee.

32. The marriage signalled James's embrace of the Catholic faith.

33. Important charging failures must be permanently signalled to the driver.

34. 21 Impact occurred seconds after the pilot signalled for help.

35. Important charging failures shall be permanently signalled to the driver.

36. Hanno signalled Hannibal by lighting a beacon and using smoke.

37. 9 The marriage signalled James's embrace of the Catholic faith.

38. Lütjens signalled headquarters at 21:40 on the 26th: "Ship unmanoeuvrable.

39. The boat came abreast of us and signalled us to stop.

40. The new legislation signalled a move away from state involvement in telecommunications.

41. He has, by submitting his resignation, signalled his unhappiness with the government's decision.

42. Richards came back and signalled clearly, but Tribe was busy with his gun again.

43. Synonyms for Cued include reminded, indicated, nodded, prompted, showed, shown, signalled, signaled, clued and hinted

44. Synonyms for Authenticated include established, proved, demonstrated, showed, indicated, signified, signaled, signalled, displayed and exhibited

45. Antonyms for Counteracted include established, proved, demonstrated, showed, indicated, signified, signaled, signalled, displayed and exhibited

46. Antonyms for Contradicted include unContradicted, established, proved, demonstrated, showed, indicated, signified, signaled, signalled and displayed

47. Antonyms for Confuted include established, proved, demonstrated, showed, indicated, signified, signaled, signalled, displayed and exhibited

48. Antonyms for Belied include established, proved, demonstrated, showed, indicated, signified, signaled, signalled, displayed and exhibited

49. Synonyms for Ascertained include established, proved, demonstrated, showed, indicated, signified, signaled, signalled, displayed and exhibited

50. Antonyms for Controverted include established, proved, demonstrated, showed, indicated, signified, signaled, signalled, displayed and exhibited

51. Isuma magazine signalled interest in publishing an abridged version of the paper in an upcoming issue;

52. The new programme was also shared with the international cooperation agencies, which have signalled their endorsement.

53. Synonyms for Bleeped include alerted, called, contacted, got, gat, gotten, paged, signalled, signaled and summoned

54. Synonyms for Cautioned include advised, urged, counselled, counseled, exhorted, recommended, notified, signalled, signaled and tipped

55. Synonyms for Attested to include established, proved, demonstrated, showed, indicated, signified, signaled, signalled, displayed and exhibited

56. Motioning aside the other people in the room, the doctor signalled to me to come forward.

57. Some time before the start the judges' boat signalled, asking if the yachts Ascented to a postponement

58. 10 He signalled us to keep still as he stood upright, tightening the grip on his spear.

59. The loud blast from the electric gadgets signalled that all was well and ready with the machines.

60. Germany's reaction concerns the main issues or wishes signalled by the various demand response operators and aggregators.

61. 7 Lily had the doomed sense of the castaway who has signalled in vain to fleeing sails.

62. Jesse's studies signalled the beginning of ' Aeronomical research', the regular study of the upper atmosphere, now called 'aeronomy'.

63. At 14:47, the lead ship, Mauritius signalled a port turn and a new course of 310 degrees.

64. Each battleship signalled national power and prestige, in a manner similar to the nuclear weapons of today.

65. When all the instruments had been checked out, the pilot signalled that he was ready for takeoff.

66. Any movement detected by the sensor is signalled to the electronic switching circuit which automatically turns on the lights.

67. The stolid chugging, the intense revving of big diesels, the bass throb: it all signalled heavy machinery at work.

68. Various stakeholders[99] have signalled problems with PCWs, especially in relation to transparency and incompleteness of the information given.

69. The 1885 Criminal Law Amendment Act signalled a new, more coercive system of state intervention into the domain of sexuality.

70. He kept his temper and signalled the other galley to turn to the shore at Drimnin, to do the repairs.

71. The subsequent phase between 1934 and 1939 signalled the return of the party from the political wilderness of sectarian isolationism.

72. 24 The emergence of a Five Nations cup, a handsome piece of silverware has signalled the end of an era.

73. It contained some of the new elements introduced in Black Tie White Noise, and also signalled a move towards alternative rock.

74. Mr President, at 1.23 a.m. on 26 April 1986 an alarm sounded that signalled the world’s worst ever civil nuclear accident.

75. 22 The stolid chugging, the intense revving of big diesels, the bass throb: it all signalled heavy machinery at work.

76. . Mr President, at 1.23 a.m. on 26 April 1986 an alarm sounded that signalled the world’s worst ever civil nuclear accident.

77. We have signalled our willingness to be a part of the international consensus by adopting a comprehensive WMD Export Control legislation.

78. 27 The fires signalled to something else as well ... Shortly before daybreak Tallis was woken by the distant sound of a hunting horn.

79. entered into an advertising dalliance with Google, but this fell apart after antitrust authorities signalled that they would not approve such an agreement.

80. Health Edinburgh's Eye Pavilion: Scottish Government says it plans to invest in ‘Clapped out’ building Finance Secretary Kate Forbes has signalled the …