Use "sigmoidal" in a sentence

1. Economies of scale gave rise to this sigmoidal behavior.

2. The sigmoidal function is monotonously increasing, continuous in all derivaties, and its output is 0.5 for zero input.

3. Because it takes several cycles for enough product to be readily detectable, the plot of fluorescence vs. cycle number has a sigmoidal appearance.

4. What are characteristics of Allosteric enzymes? SO 3 They tend to have a sigmoidal (S-shaped) curve of Vo

5. There are fewer and fewer people who are still available that you might infect, and then you get the plateau of the curve, and you get this classic sigmoidal curve.

6. The surgical treatment comprised one-stage sigmoidal resection and hysterectomy including both adnexae. Microscopically, a completely transmural fistula could be found in the uterus with glandular structures typical of the colon in the outer myometrium.

7. The remarkable thing Huxley discovered in his studies of relative growth, and summarized in his 1932 book Problems of Relative Growth [], is that the mathematical relationship describing an Allometry is very often a power law rather than some other function such as an exponential or a sigmoidal curve.From Figure 1a one can see that the ant legs, thorax and abdomen are about …