Use "sigmoid" in a sentence

1. A sigmoid Colectomy involves removal of the sigmoid colon

2. Sigmoid Colostomy — is made from the sigmoid colon

3. You're through the sigmoid, into the descending colon.

4. Minimally invasive sigmoid Colectomy via the laparoscopic approach (LA) has numerous benefits

5. A sigmoid Colostomy (Figure 7) is the most common type of Colostomy

6. The sigmoid Colon joins the rectum, which then connects to the anus

7. The fourth section is called the sigmoid Colon because of its “S” shape

8. The sigmoid Colostomy is usually located in the lower left-hand side of the abdomen.

9. Anderson JR, Lee D . The management of acute sigmoid volvulus. Br J Surg 1981; 68∶117 -

10. 3 In circumstances where the topography was not clear, patients received only sigmoid colon infusions.

11. 13 The left ureter was tunneled under the sigmoid mesocolon towards the right lower abdomen.

12. [S] curve for Allosteric enzyme is typically sigmoid as compared for hyperbolic curves for non-Allosteric

13. Novel endoscopic approaches include self-propelling, self-navigating colonoscopy (Aeroscope) and sigmoid stiffener to enhance passage.

14. It’s made in the sigmoid colon, and located just a few inches lower than a descending Colostomy

15. A less common location for Angiomas was the left colon (the descending and sigmoid colon accounted for 22%).

16. The sigmoid Colon is the area of the intestine just above the rectum; linking the descending Colon with the rectum

17. Access to the digestive tract is made possible by using the appendix, terminal ileum, cæcum, right colon or sigmoid colon.

18. The Colon extends from the cecum (an enlarged area at the end of the small intestine) up the right side of the abdomen (ascending Colon), across to the left side (transverse Colon), and down the left side (descending Colon) and then loops (at the sigmoid flexure, or sigmoid

19. 6 The same drug given intravenously prevents the postprandial increase in sigmoid segmenting pressure activity in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

20. The Cecum (10 to 52 percent) and sigmoid colon (43 to 71 percent) are the two most common sites of colonic volvulus

21. But a few years later the abdomino-perineal access with a sigmoid colostomy got the preferred technique for the following seventy years.

22. The sigmoid Colon is the S-shaped part of your lower large intestine and can become strained during constipation, increasing the risk for diverticulitis

23. Further findings were large adhesions between the epiploic appendices of the sigmoid and the parietal peritoneum and atypical cells in the peritoneal washings.

24. Your large intestine is broken down into six sections including the cecum, ascending Colon, transverse Colon, descending Colon, sigmoid Colon, and the rectum.

25. Colonic pseudo-obstruction” by using the keyword(s) endoscopy, colon volvulus, gastrointestinal endoscopy, acute Colonic pseudo-obstruction, sigmoid volvulus, endoscopic procedures, and procedures

26. Condyle was said to be fractured when fracture line started from sigmoid notch and extended to posterior border of ramus above angle of mandible

27. He also includes 21 conditions that can be treated by moxibustion, including thyroid cysts, nerve injury, rheumatoid arthritis, headache, chronic sigmoid Colonitis and stubborn hiccup.

28. The sigmoid Colon, or as some experts call it, the pelvic Colon, is a section of the large intestine that connects the descending Colon to the rectum

29. In January 2006, a questionnaire was sent to 1270 anesthesiology departments in Germany in which they were asked to describe the standard anesthesia procedures based on a conventional sigmoid resection.

30. A subtotal Colectomy is where the surgeon removes most of the colon but is able to leave part of the left side of the colon called the sigmoid colon

31. Implemented the Forward and Backword Propogation passes, wrote my own implementation of sigmoid which was used as an activation function and trained the network on bike dataset to find the optimum

32. Anorectal surgery is a surgical procedure to treat anal and rectal conditions and cancer, generally by the removal (resection) of a portion of the anus, rectum, and/or part of the sigmoid colon. Who Needs Anorectal Surgery?

33. Spondylosoma absconditum (Ladinian, Middle Triassic) lacks certain Dinosauriformes-Dinosauria characters (sigmoid curve and epipophyses in neck, distally placed deltopectoral crest on humerus) and those present (accessary hyposphene-hypantra vertebral articulations, three sacral vertebrae, elongate pubis) also occur in the Rauisuchia (Crurotarsi, Suchia, Rauisuchiformes).

34. The Cecum connects the large intestine and the small intestine. While most colorectal cancers arise in the far end of the colon, the rectum and sigmoid colon, the Cecum is the next most common site for cancer to arise, according to the Surgical Practice of Northern New Jersey 3 4 5.

35. Novel endoscopic approaches include self-propelling, self-navigating colonoscopy (Aeroscope) and sigmoid stiffener to enhance passage.Virtual colonoscopy is another relatively new technique which some perceive to be more "user friendly" than colonoscopy and which may provide a means to determine the natural history of polyps, although optical colonoscopy will still be required for polyp removal.