Use "shun danger" in a sentence

1. Avoid definition, to keep away from; keep clear of; shun: to Avoid a person; to Avoid taxes; to Avoid danger

2. Shun profane and foolish chatter.

3. By all means shun obscene jesting!

4. ◆ Shun unclean speech and obscene jesting

5. Absorption [ab-sorp´shun] 1

6. Absorption: [ ab-sorp´shun ] 1

7. Compulsion [kom-pul´shun] 1

8. Shun and you aren't the same.

9. Shun the use of a dull monotone.

10. Adaptation [ad″ap-ta´shun] 1

11. Coagulation [ko-ag″u-la´shun] clotting

12. Concentration [kon″sen-tra´shun] 1

13. Shun “the Path of the Wicked Ones”

14. Adaptation [ad″ap-ta´shun] 1

15. True Christians obviously do not shun nonbelievers.

16. Coordination [ko-or″dĭ-na´shun] 1

17. Coordination: [ ko-or″dĭ-na´shun ] 1

18. Attenuation [ah-ten″u-a´shun] 1

19. True Christians are commanded to shun such apostates.

20. 10 In studying a problem, we must shun subjectivity.

21. assimilation: [ ah-sim″ĭ-la´shun ] 1

22. Constitutional: [ kon″stĭ-too´shun-al ] 1

23. Acceleration [ak-sel″er-a´shun] 1

24. Without danger we cannot get beyond danger. 

25. To shun competition and responsibility is characteristic of Abulia…

26. □ Why should we shun the world’s view of morality?

27. 2 They wear simple clothes and shun modern contrivances.

28. Danger itself is the best remedy for danger. 

29. 3 More discriminating visitors now tend to shun the area.

30. As Republicans Shun Vaccines, Congress Toils to Return to Normal

31. Makes an emotional appeal to misguided youth to shun violence.

32. 1 Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it. 

33. 14 Jan South Korean TV Networks Shun Politically Active Actress

34. 10 Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it. 

35. 11 Shun Dao has straight blade and hilt, no armguard.

36. This is my promise and my oath to Master Wah Shun:

37. 29 'so the outlook is still a bit hazy, eh , Yun - shun ?

38. Dunes in Danger

39. Or shun his requests and risk facing his fearsome Inquisitors or even excommunication?

40. [ suf″ŏ-ka´shun] the stoppage of breathing; called also Asphyxiation

41. Small homesteaders in danger. "

42. In studying a problem, we must shun subjectivity, one - sidedness and superficiality.

43. Heads turning away to shun the reflected glare from the frozen moat.

44. There's danger afoot, Andrew.

45. Danger: highly flammable materials!

46. Some common synonyms of Avoid are elude, escape, eschew, evade, and shun

47. I think the will should return 500 million to Tung Luen Shun

48. Mu Shun was gone, and with him, the dream in his heart,

49. Keep him from danger.

50. Danger!Thin ice.Keep away.

51. Love fears no danger.

52. In intoxicating danger, Mother.

53. My daughter's in danger.

54. When Secrecy Signals Danger

55. 9 But unlike other Hasidic sects, Lubavitch does not shun the outside world.

56. 1 But unlike other Hasidic sects, Lubavitch does not shun the outside world.

57. What is Condescension, Of Christ? Definition and meaning:Condescension, OF CHRIST kon-de-sen'-shun.

58. 5 They have little ambition, tend to shun responsibility, and like to be directed.

59. 20 Such as listening to the card are not shun will reveal dysphoria look.

60. Does Paul’s counsel mean that you should shun your classmates and remain aloof?

61. 12 Heads turning away to shun the reflected glare from the frozen moat.

62. Ordinary citizens are in danger

63. Jehovah Warns Us of Danger

64. 12 Danger! Blasting in Progress!

65. Abortion [ah-bor´shun] termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable

66. For instance, we must shun “lofty eyes” or any other display of pride.

67. Your wife is in danger.

68. They recked little of danger.

69. Danger didn't daunt the hero.

70. Apart from the domestic danger of a disenfranchised population, there is an external danger also.

71. Alternation: [ awl″ter-na´shun ] interrupted occurrence, being interspersed with different or opposite events

72. 4 But they will shun countries where there is no prospect of a juicy profit.

73. Compromised: to place in danger

74. Adventured: to place in danger.

75. My daughter, she's in danger.

76. Glass spells danger for birds.

77. The red triangle denotes danger.

78. Acclimation: [ ak″lĭ-ma´shun ] physiological or psychological adjustment to a new environment.

79. Eventually, the barriers came down, and now our close relatives no longer shun us.

80. This man is very danger.