Use "shoulders" in a sentence

1. Shoulders to the left, shoulders to the right.

2. Freckled shoulders.

3. Square Shoulders : The shoulders should square up to the fall line.

4. I have stiff shoulders.

5. My shoulders are stiff.

6. Shoulders are clean, powerful and well sloped with moderate Angulation at shoulders and elbows.

7. Her shoulders were badly sunburned.

8. Tall, good-looking, broad shoulders.

9. She had very manly shoulders.

10. She shrugged her shoulders Abjectly

11. Swimming gives you broad shoulders.

12. Forms the shoulders and arms.

13. I do have schlumpy shoulders.

14. Would you massage my shoulders?

15. She shrugged her shoulders abjectly.

16. Advertisement for Head and Shoulders

17. Don't tense your shoulders, just relax.

18. I'll carry you on my shoulders.

19. His fingers gripped her shoulders cruelly.

20. 12 Do not droop your shoulders.

21. The Count shrugged his broad shoulders.

22. I'm reasonably broad across the shoulders.

23. Stand straight, don't hunch your shoulders!

24. His shoulders twitched with suppressed laughter.

25. Oh, just shut up, schlumpy shoulders.

26. It says that the rich are always sitting on the shoulders and survive on the shoulders of the poor.

27. She gave a shrug of her shoulders.

28. 16 His little son strode his shoulders.

29. Her luxuriant hair fell around her shoulders.

30. She draped a coat round his shoulders.

31. She draped a shawl over her shoulders.

32. Just by riding on your shoulders, Newt.

33. Her shoulders lifted in a vague shrug.

34. She felt gloom descend on her shoulders.

35. We sat there with our shoulders touching.

36. Mary threw a cloak over her shoulders.

37. Having Broader shoulders is a masculine trait

38. The blame rests squarely on Jim's shoulders.

39. He shook her violently by the shoulders.

40. Ruth draped a shawl over her shoulders.

41. Wearing these things makes my shoulders ache.

42. They toted canvas sacks over their shoulders.

43. Give me a hoist onto your shoulders.

44. 23 Blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders.

45. Linda's unconfined hair fell to her shoulders.

46. Shell-like ears alabaster neck, lovely shoulders.

47. The girl shrugged her pretty shoulders disdainfully.

48. His coat puckered up at the shoulders.

49. He sat with his shoulders hunched up.

50. Crew neckline, puffed shoulders and long sleeves.

51. 3 The duty fell upon her shoulders.

52. The robe can cover one or both shoulders.

53. He put a protective arm around her shoulders.

54. I just shrugged my shoulders and ignored him.

55. A flour-bomb of dandruff on his shoulders.

56. She put a consoling arm around his shoulders.

57. She had a shawl draped around her shoulders.

58. He had a towel draped across his shoulders.

59. He hunched his shoulders against the cold wind.

60. Grey wispy hair straggled down to her shoulders.

61. She ran her hands teasingly over his shoulders.

62. As a result, both my shoulders were dislocated.

63. She lifted her shoulders in a little shrug.

64. 11 She wore a shawl about her shoulders.

65. She draped the scarf loosely around her shoulders.

66. Do you scrunch up your shoulders a lot?

67. You are head and shoulders above the others.

68. 5 She draped a shawl over her shoulders.

69. Her hair hung about her shoulders in ringlets.

70. His arm was draped casually around her shoulders.

71. His shoulders were broad and his waist narrow.

72. He sat down, his shoulders convulsing with sobs.

73. Hyde maintained the rigid immobility of his shoulders.

74. Even so people seem to shrug their shoulders.

75. Ella wrapped a thick coat around her shoulders.

76. Jacob placed his arm around her skinny shoulders.

77. He supported the heavy box on his shoulders.

78. The fireman hoisted the boy onto his shoulders.

79. Shoulders -- The shoulder blade is well laid back.

80. His arm was draped Casually around her shoulders