Use "shortly" in a sentence

1. Dinner will begin shortly.

2. We should arrive shortly.

3. He will arrive shortly.

4. They arrived shortly after

5. Hail fell shortly after lunch.

6. He was killed shortly afterwards.

7. Their trial will shortly begin.

8. She arrived shortly after Breakfast.

9. Shortly after, the police killed him.

10. The next programme will follow shortly.

11. The accident happened shortly before midday.

12. I will be rejoining you shortly.

13. Shortly Afterwards he met her again

14. We're hoping he'll reach out shortly.

15. Shortly afterwards, police arrested four suspects.

16. Ms Jones will be back shortly.

17. Shortly Afterwards, police arrested four suspects

18. The plane crashed shortly after takeoff.

19. She died shortly after giving birth.

20. Tragedy was shortly to overtake him, however.

21. Nurse Millard will be with you shortly.

22. Duff explained his meaning shortly but clearly.

23. He reached Cambridge shortly before three o'clock.

24. You go along with him.I'll come shortly.

25. Quinn returned shortly after daylight yesterday morning.

26. She is shortly to leave for Mexico.

27. Your next invoice will be arriving shortly.

28. Females may Caterwaul during or shortly after mating

29. Shortly after the wedding day, negative patterns develop.

30. I will be back shortly. I'm feeling suffocated.

31. Maria Lopez was frozen shortly after her death.

32. The incineration of the facility will begin shortly.

33. Shortly afterwards the probation service revoked my licence.

34. Slovenia introduced its own currency shortly after independence.

35. He died from a cerebral haemorrhage shortly afterwards.

36. He issued this statement shortly after his release:

37. Tell him he would need to travel shortly.

38. Shortly after, more crushed cages, with dying chickens.

39. Witnesses say the jet crashed shortly after takeoff.

40. The plane developed engine trouble shortly after takeoff.

41. Shortly thereafter, the confessed assassin was taken prisoner.

42. 7 Kenneth Baker arrived shortly afterwards, positively beaming.

43. Unfortunately, the comet was lost shortly after discovery.

44. Shortly afterward, the Spanish commander surrendered the city.

45. The Antipodals degenerate at or shortly after fertilization

46. Midday Impaled shortly before noon; darkness 125, 126

47. He and his family moved in shortly after.

48. The Condition is usually recognized shortly after birth.

49. Accountable, published shortly after the inauguration of Pres

50. Shortly after my brother's death, the Recession hit.

51. They are shortly to realise that we mean business.

52. The monies were paid shortly after settlement was reached.

53. Shortly after this, the wall monster kills them both.

54. With my wife shortly after our marriage in 1958

55. Shortly after Rachel was born, we moved to Jinja.

56. • What will Satan shortly do, and with what outcome?

57. One of the airlocks was activated shortly after that.

58. The Senate is expected to pass the bill shortly.

59. He survived until the Russians liberated Auschwitz shortly afterward.

60. 18 She became ill shortly after inhaling the fumes.

61. Shortly they'll be returning to their base in Alaska.

62. I shall be in touch with you again shortly.

63. Another message followed shortly afterwards they'd forgotten the embargo.

64. We shall be landing shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts.

65. Petal margin entire or shortly fimbriate and erose proximally.

66. The police evacuated the village shortly before the explosion.

67. The duo released their debut, Glances Askances, shortly thereafter.

68. Shortly thereafter, word came that the girl had died.

69. 11 Shortly after he became a primary school headmaster.

70. ‘Shortly Afterwards two men approached the wire gate but left a few seconds later.’ ‘Then she heard a cracking noise and shortly Afterwards the smoke detector sounded.’ ‘He showed no concern or remorse but one witness saw him smiling shortly Afterwards.’

71. ‘Shortly Afterwards two men approached the wire gate but left a few seconds later.’ ‘Then she heard a cracking noise and shortly Afterwards the smoke detector sounded.’ ‘He showed no concern or remorse but one witness saw him smiling shortly Afterwards.’

72. I Blinked and I was forty I’ll be retiring shortly

73. Shortly afterwards, Dainty returned to patrol the North African coast.

74. Shortly before Jesus’ death, armed men came to arrest him.

75. That translation was printed shortly after Lucaris’ death in 1638.

76. Shortly afterward, the JTWC assigned the storm the identifier 31W.

77. Shortly thereafter, I obtained money illegally and bought a taxicab.

78. Shortly after this regressive move the post was cut completely.

79. We both started to feel ill shortly after the meal.

80. We shall be landing shortly please fasten your seat-belts.