Use "shivering" in a sentence

1. He found he was shivering.

2. Sensitive to cold, always shivering.

3. He was standing there, shivering!

4. The poor dog - it's shivering!

5. I spent the winter mostly shivering.

6. I feel you're already shivering inside.

7. The man was shivering with fatigue.

8. She stood shivering in her threadbare dress.

9. He is shivering with fear.

10. 21 The shivering Chaplain robed in white.

11. Poor little Rosie stood dripping wet and shivering.

12. If the temperature drops below I start shivering.

13. You're shivering! Do you want to go indoors?

14. 1 Jake stood shivering in the cold air.

15. I was shivering in my thin sleeping bag.

16. I was sitting on the floor shivering with fear.

17. He was soaked in sweat and shivering.

18. In a shivering state [adj] Lexicographical Neighbors of Ashiver

19. They were both shivering slightly from the frosty air.

20. She was shivering with delight and pent-up desire.

21. We gaze until the cold air makes our shivering unstoppable.

22. Miguel left, shivering when he hit the street.

23. Alex stood shivering in the cold, damp air.

24. She sat shivering, dozing off: home, or nearly.

25. She waited, shutting her eyes and shivering as the light waned.

26. Ashiver; shiverer; shiver my timbers; shivering owl; Translations Noun

27. Ashiver; shiverer; shiver my timbers; shivering owl; Translations Noun

28. Don't stand outside shivering-come inside and get warm!

29. To her shivering body, he felt like a furnace.

30. He was a sorry sight, soaked to the skin and shivering.

31. Chills, or shivering, can happen one time or they can be frequent

32. When you have the Chills, you may also be shivering or look pale

33. I dove in the canal and swam over to the other side, shivering.

34. Groups of infected pigs lie huddled together shivering, breathing abnormally, and sometimes coughing.

35. Ashiver definition: in a shivering manner Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

36. Bright and balmy, very warm, but John Wade found himself shivering.

37. Shivering and teeth Chattering are both possible symptoms of drug or alcohol withdrawal

38. Brrr definition: an exclamation used to suggest shivering Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

39. As I left the cinema I was seized in an irresistible spasm of shivering.

40. There were a couple of men under the tarp with us, shivering with fever.

41. He passed her with one sidelong glitter of let eyes, and left her shivering.

42. He had a bad cold and was shivering inside his dressing gown.

43. 15 He sat there shivering until dawn, nodding occasionally, jerking awake with a cry.

44. “Teeth Chattering is usually related to shivering, which is the body’s response to cold,” Dr

45. Chills are feelings of coldness accompanied by shivering. They may arise with or without fever

46. The teacher came in like a colossus and the class shrank into a shivering line.

47. I just stood, gawking and shivering, as it disappeared into the hurrying crowd.

48. 18 The sneezing bouts continued for a couple of days, accompanied by shivering and coughing fits.

49. Patricia was also frostbitten and she was still shivering from fall through the ice.

50. Chills, fevers, shivering, and goosebumps are all steps that the body takes to raise its inner temperature

51. It was bad to see him that way, angry and shivering a little like a dope fiend.

52. ADN-111 Studio Attackers R**ed In Front Of Husband--Married Woman Shivering With Fear, Yu Konishi

53. To survive cold winters, honeybees generate heat “by shivering with their flight muscles,” reports the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

54. The trees shook, all their young leaves shivering as if with ague or fear of the approaching storm.

55. 13 I still felt nauseated, both sweating and shivering, as we walked down the corridor to my room.

56. The loss of non-shivering thermogenesis was accompanied by a reduction of the brown adipose tissue.

57. Why does she need more protection than some crack whore shivering in the clinic waiting room?

58. It was dark and foggy, and I was shivering as I walked in the freezing rain.

59. They have never had to go to bed hungry or fall asleep shivering from the cold.

60. (Martin Eden, by Jack London) With drooping tail and shivering body, very forlorn indeed, he Aimlessly circled the tent

61. They stood there naked and shivering, huddled together as a soldier walked round them, prodding them with a baton.

62. Hairy tongues like fat black ferns spilled out of them, shivering in the draught of their passing.

63. Shivering, I got a fire going in the fireplace, and I was able to warm myself and dry my clothing.

64. Arthur Denny (Ralph Munro, shivering and Adlibbing mercilessly): I'd say finishing the cabin roof is real high on the list

65. They braved many hardships, such as recurrent attacks of malaria, with its symptoms of shivering, sweating, and delirium.

66. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB His teeth still Chattered, and spells of violent shivering passed over him from head to foot

67. She was still shivering when he finished, but the warmth gradually began to seep inwards to where her bones were chilled.

68. ‘Winter is a wonderful time for birdwatching, thanks to the surge of shivering Greenlanders who flock to our more temperate Climes.’.

69. So when the shivering fit is over I write my bellicose article and no one would guess that I ever hesitated.

70. Shivering in our sleeping bags, we listened to the torrential rain beating on the corrugated iron roof above us.

71. To step out of bed on to the cold lino, and to begin dressing and shivering, took considerable courage.

72. Then waited, shivering, as the rain tipped off the brim of his top hat and spattered on the ground.

73. A method and apparatus of lowering the body temperature of a patient while reducing shivering by using a heat exchange device (4) in combination with an $g(a)2-adrenoreceptor agonist, a non-opiod analgesic monoamine uptake inhibitor or neuropeptide that temporarily reduces shivering.

74. She was still shivering when he finished,[sentencedict .com] but the warmth gradually began to seep inwards to where her bones were chilled.

75. Bedclothes Sentence Examples shivering with fright under the Bedclothes. The time came when she became very agitated and was pulling the Bedclothes about

76. The reflex is often preceded by slight shivering motions of the patient's arms, or the appearance of goose bumps on the arms and torso.

77. Ague Meaning: "acute fever," also (late 14c.) "malarial fever (involving episodes of chills and shivering)" from Old… See definitions of Ague.

78. The two of us flat as adders in the Bluebelled grass, peeking over the chalky edge and down into the shivering, groping sea

79. Chills—also referred to as rigors—are episodes of shivering paired with paleness and feeling cold, according to the US National Library of Medicine's …

80. Chipped teeth can be caused by falling, chewing on hard substances, high impact hits like sports or falls, or even shivering or tooth grinding