Use "shaven" in a sentence

1. Clean and shaven.

2. 5 Their heads were shaven.

3. 6 It's all good clean shaven fun.

4. 8 Under their wigs their heads are shaven.

5. 3 They all had shaven heads.

6. They would appear clean-shaven, well dressed...

7. He was clean-shaven but only just.

8. He was clean-shaven and wore glasses .

9. B: I like a clean-shaven man.

10. He was clean-shaven and his hair combed perfectly.

11. A bald head is soon shaven

12. 10 Chris looked neat and well shaven.

13. 13 His head was a great shaven dome.

14. 7 His head was a great shaven dome.

15. 1 A bald head is soon shaven

16. 2 His shaven head accentuates his large round face.

17. Showing up to work clean-shaven is always appropriate.

18. He has white hair, and he is clean-shaven.

19. 9 His head was shaven but for a topknot.

20. For men, a neat personal appearance may include being clean-shaven.

21. He would have had short hair and have been clean-shaven.

22. 21 Soapy was shaven and had his best clothes on.

23. The door opened to reveal a gaunt, clean-shaven man.

24. They were well-groomed, clean-shaven young men with olive complexions.

25. 30 Heavy side whiskers worn with the chin clean - shaven.

26. I just looked for a short, clean-shaven Mr Barraza.

27. She thinks people who are clean-shaven look much smarter.

28. 7 The door opened to reveal a gaunt, clean-shaven man.

29. 13 These men appeared with shaven heads and grim, worried expressions.

30. 12 Sometimes he went semi-shaven-headed and looked like a monk.

31. 18 He has short ginger hair, and is clean shaven with freckles.

32. 14 Fair-haired, he was clean shaven and had a strong face.

33. 4 His beard straggles because he hasn't shaven for a week.

34. 23 " A short , shaven - headed youngster said jokingly into the silence.

35. 15 He was chased by white youngsters, some with shaven heads.

36. Here's a pair of jeans, pulled down to reveal a shaven male crotch.

37. 26 The winning edge for competitive swimmers sometimes means a shaven head.

38. Clean-shaven, he wore steel-rimmed glasses and moved with calculated deliberation.

39. 29 Here's a pair of jeans, pulled down to reveal a shaven male crotch.

40. 24 The second man was about five foot eleven, again clean shaven but younger.

41. 'What's wrong with it?' asked the bridegroom, a clean-shaven naval man, flushing sensitively.

42. 12 Clean shaven, his hair was black, as were his thick brows.

43. What does Burnsides mean? Heavy side-whiskers worn with the chin clean-shaven

44. Burnsides definition, full whiskers and a mustache worn with the chin clean-shaven

45. Algie is an alternate form of Algernon (Old French): the Normans were usually clean-shaven.

46. 23 James Archer was a tall man in his sixties, white-haired and dean shaven.

47. Barefaced Meaning: "with face uncovered or shaven;" see bare (adj.) + face (n.)

48. 16 He has a big square head, shaven almost bald; lots of gold teeth.

49. 17 Even Hauser's face was standard: plump, clean shaven, pink, smooth as a baby's.

50. Lorton rinsed the lather from his skin and frowned at his clean-shaven face.

51. The dark, clean-shaven face was strong and proud, the mouth firm yet sensitive.

52. A big man with grizzled whiskers gleaming shaven head on which a stay sunbeam was dancing.

53. 19 His closely shaven face was tense and his usually sensuous mouth set in a grim line.

54. 11 One was about five foot six, clean shaven with dark hair and in his late twenties.

55. A handsome man, clean-shaven and thoughtful, in a Barbour jacket meandered along after them.

56. The next time I see that ugly face of yours, I want it clean-shaven!

57. Robert is usually clean-shaven, but he grew a beard while he was on holidays.

58. "In contrast to their beautifully clean-shaven Italian audience, these three intellectuals all sported magnificent beards."

59. In the United States, meanwhile, popular movies portrayed heroes with clean-shaven faces and "crew cuts".

60. He's described as five feet six inches tall, white, clean shaven and wearing a blue anorak.

61. His closely shaven face was tense and his usually sensuous mouth set in a grim line.

62. Steve was six feet tall, heavily built and his clean-shaven pale face showed no expression.

63. Why not... looks a strange sort, keeps his head shaven, has a long scar on the head.

64. 22 A big man with grizzled whiskers gleaming shaven head on which a stay sunbeam was dancing.

65. 17 A big man with grizzled whiskers gleaming shaven head on which a stay sunbeam was dancing.

66. 28 She hardly made a bump under the sheet,[] only her small shaven head and long neck were visible.

67. 11:14) To her pleasant surprise, the next day he was clean-shaven and had short hair!

68. 25 He's described as five feet six inches tall, white, clean shaven and wearing a blue anorak.

69. The majority were of medium height, about a hundred and sixty pounds, clean-shaven and capable-looking.

70. Clean-shaven and with a full head of greying hair, he was known as a gentle man, but nobody crossed him.

71. With his shaven head, red bandana and a gold stud in his left ear, his style is very different from President Obama's.

72. These events conspired to popularize short hair and clean-shaven faces as the only acceptable style for decades to come.

73. In his mind he would look at him as clean-shaven and wearing a white shirt and white trousers.

74. 27 His discomfort, his near contempt for the give-and-take of promotion is as naked as his shaven head.

75. He cannot fall, and he senses a figure in orange garments, with a clean-shaven head and large spectacles coming toward him.

76. Officials said the person was clean-shaven and wearing a blue and white striped shirt, gray shorts and brown sandals.

77. In conclusion, it may very well be true that inside every clean-shaven man there is a beard screaming to be let out.

78. The phrase "nourishing a beard" was interpreted in different ways, either as imposing a clean-shaven face or only excluding a too-lengthy beard.

79. By the 1990s, ithad evolved into a class symbol distinguishing the hirsute lower and middleclasses from the clean-shaven urban elite.

80. The forwards had a genuine hardness and solidity about them, a welcome sight after the pathetic shaven-headed posturing of recent years.