Use "sharpness" in a sentence

1. Autographist Amazing sharpness and lighting

2. Adjusts the sharpness of the image.

3. Beak's been filed to needle sharpness.

4. 3 synonyms for Acuteness: keenness, sharpness, acuity

5. Acrimony: biting sharpness of feeling or expression.

6. She has a remarkable sharpness of mind.

7. Cattiness: biting sharpness of feeling or expression.

8. Bile: biting sharpness of feeling or expression.

9. The knife had been honed to razor sharpness.

10. The sounds were individualized by sharpness and tone.

11. Howard recoiled a little at the sharpness in my voice.

12. As you expected, the sharpness remains in exported images . Yay!

13. 30 synonyms for Asperity: sharpness, bitterness, severity, irritability, acrimony, harshness

14. Acuity definition, sharpness; Acuteness; keenness: acuity of vision; acuity of mind

15. They give thought to Power, Strenght, Agileness, sharpness etc

16. The sharpness is outstandingly high and the colour reproduction especially accurate.

17. Another word for Acridity: pungency, sting, bitterness, acidity, sharpness Collins English Thesaurus

18. Harsh or biting sharpness of language or fealings - Acrimonious, Acrimoniously, acrimoniousness.

19. Various Aberrations influence the sharpness or quality of the image

20. Sharpness docks is now a shadow of it's former self.

21. Another word for Asperity: sharpness, bitterness, severity, irritability, acrimony Collins English Thesaurus

22. Another word for Abruptness: curtness, sharpness, shortness, bluntness, briskness Collins English Thesaurus

23. Acidity relates to the degree of sharpness of the taste of beer.

24. The sharpness of the lemons contrasts with the sweetness of the honey.

25. 34 synonyms for Acidity: sourness, bitterness, sharpness, pungency, tartness, acerbity, acridness

26. He felt good as he negotiated the narrow lanes between Purton and Sharpness.

27. The strong feelings and the sharpness of the issue was quickly illustrated Monday.

28. Aspherical Optical Technology eliminates image distortions and provides corner-to-corner sharpness

29. Acuteness is also a noun, and it refers to sharpness or sensitivity

30. We get the red curve, which is more abrupt : contrast and sharpness are increased.

31. But he leapt through the staggering sharpness of it and achieved an upright position.

32. A net curtain stirs at the window, diffusing the sharpness of the outside world.

33. Synonyms for Causticity include acridity, mordancy, acridness, corrosiveness, trenchancy, causticness, incisiveness, mordacity, sharpness and acerbity

34. Synonyms for Astringencies include acerbities, harshness, severities, sharpness, acidity, causticity, mordancies, bites, stings and poignance

35. It involves both sharpness and clarity of vision and this can be measured.

36. Younger members of the Denning family are carrying on the tradition of working at Sharpness docks.

37. Synonyms for Acuteness include perceptiveness, sensitivity, sharpness, keenness, acuity, discrimination, perception, cleverness, ingenuity and insight

38. Frank's sharpness shines through at times, but David's ad-libs rarely rise above witless rubbish.

39. He was polishing his bayonet, boasting over its sharpness, when he snorted the order: ‘Let’s go!’

40. Each type of Bur comes in varying degrees of sharpness, lengths, shapes and sizes

41. The sharpness of the cold made her cough and brought tears to her eyes.

42. His relentless gentility would risk serious tedium without a sharpness of eye and wit.

43. sharpness, harshness, or bitterness of nature, speech, disposition, etc.: The speaker attacked him with great Acrimony.

44. Malkmus and Steve Kannberg, the principal songwriters of Pavement, have honed their skill to razor sharpness.

45. Acuteness definition: a quick and penetrating intelligence synonyms: keenness, acuity, sharpness, intelligence, steel trap antonyms: stupidity, softness

46. Acuter; acutest Definition of acute 1 a (1) : characterized by sharpness or severity of sudden onset acute pain

47. The pen grows sharper with practice like a cobbler's awl, gradually acquiring the sharpness of an embroidery needle.

48. If you want sharpness, then Albumen is the way to go - if you want something a bit

49. Synonyms for Brusqueness include terseness, abruptness, asperity, offhandedness, roughness, unfriendliness, lack of warmth, bitterness, acrimony and sharpness

50. Adjust the Brightness, sharpness, or contrast Click the picture that you want to change the Brightness for

51. The input will be an image and the output should be the Blurriness and sharpness of the image

52. Acrimony definition is - anger and bitterness : harsh or biting sharpness especially of words, manner, or feelings

53. They plan to continue searching the River Severn and the Gloucester to Sharpness canal tomorrow morning.

54. This way e.g. gradation curves, hue, colors, software-based dust and scratch correction and sharpness can be adjusted.

55. A dull pain a dull mind Blunt suggests an inherent lack of sharpness or quickness of feeling or perception

56. Eventually, adjust sharpness by playing on the position of the E eyepiece and the A telescopic sights.

57. There are many synonyms of Acridity which include Acerbity, Acidity, Acridness, Acrimony, Causticity, Incisiveness, Mordancy, Sharpness, Mordacity, Trenchancy, etc.

58. When doctors talk about Blurred vision, they typically mean a decrease in sharpness or clarity that has developed gradually

59. A sharpness index of the resolved image is determined without matching the captured image to the test target.

60. An ideal compromise between the two, based on the sharpness of your own reflexes, should guide your choice.

61. A man who lives near Sharpness docks was arrested yesterday and questioned overnight in Gloucester before being freed.

62. Visual Acuity, also known as clarity of vision or sharpness of vision, refers to a person's ability to see small details

63. Automatically correct distortion, vignetting, lack of sharpness, chromatic aberrations and colored fringes with a module adapted to your lens/camera configuration.

64. Asperity: 1 n harshness of manner Synonyms: sharpness Antonyms: bluntness , dullness without sharpness or clearness of edge or point Type of: ill nature a disagreeable, irritable, or malevolent disposition n something hard to endure “the Asperity of northern winters” Synonyms: grimness , hardship , rigor , rigorousness , rigour , rigourousness

65. A sharpness of # has no effect, # and above determine the sharpen matrix radius that determines how much to sharpen the image

66. ◦ Low vision acuity across the visual field (lack of sharpness or perception of detail) that cannot be improved by corrective lenses;

67. Acrimonious (adj.) 1610s, "acrid," from French acrimonieux, from Medieval Latin acrimoniosus, from Latin acrimonia "sharpness" (see acrimony)

68. It was five minutes to eight when Yanto cycled over the low swing bridge on to the wharfs of Sharpness Docks.

69. Actar Actus Camera Lenses Perspective Control - Selective Sharpness Cambo’s Actar-24 is a 24mm wide-angle lens, dedicated to the Cambo Actus series

70. Asperity definition, harshness or sharpness of tone, temper, or manner; severity; acrimony: The cause of her anger did not warrant such Asperity

71. Quite a number of the people you speak to will be getting on in years and have lost their sharpness of hearing.

72. The imaged object has no obvious chromatic aberration, the sharpness of the image is enhanced, and the light reflection effect is reduced.

73. 28 The horse dentist will smooth the sharpness away by using a metal rasp which is rubber backwards and forwards over the teeth.

74. Bitter describes a particular pungent taste, like the sharpness of very dark chocolate (which is sometimes called Bittersweet for its mixture of the two flavors)

75. For example, you can use the /enchant command to enchant the Axe that the player called DigMinecraft is holding with Sharpness V

76. A woman with a blond plait was seen getting out of a car with a man near the canal upstream of Sharpness.

77. The horse dentist will smooth the sharpness away by using a metal rasp which is rubber backwards and forwards over the teeth.

78. In addition, the final fit, finish, action and sharpness of each knife is achieved entirely by hand, employing the irreplaceable craftsmanship developed by generations of Cutlery …

79. Using three ingredients, Bamf is designed to help turn your brain function dial up to eleven, delivering mental sharpness and Da Vinci-level

80. Lateral order features and orientation of the lamellar structures were obtainable from the sharpness and length of the equatorial wide angle diffraction arcs.