Use "shadowy" in a sentence

1. What about that shadowy place?

2. They Crouched together on a shadowy hillside

3. Someone was waiting in the shadowy doorway.

4. I saw a shadowy figure approaching.

5. Beyond - the shadowy barn doors, closed.

6. Shadowy twilight never dimmed the brightness.

7. They are members of some shadowy extremist group.

8. The Doctor had wandered along a shadowy corridor.

9. She saw a shadowy figure through the blind.

10. I watched him from a shadowy corner.

11. They crouched together on a shadowy hillside.

12. Shadowy figures approached them out of the fog.

13. Towards the southeast, the boundaries are even more shadowy.

14. Shadowy figures have appeared and then quickly disappeared.

15. She spun around, searching the shadowy dark corridor.

16. Well, it really is but a shadowy supposition.

17. In all these transactions Balbinder seemed a shadowy figure.

18. They went out into the still, shadowy cloister garden.

19. Hurt by the words and curses of the shadowy folk

20. They made out a shadowy form in front of them.

21. The moon highlighted the shadowy forms of the hills.

22. 4 They are members of some shadowy extremist group.

23. His shadowy figure walks in the night, followed by three gunshots.

24. Bigamy lightened the horizon of his shadowy thoughts for a moment.

25. She was startled by a sudden movement in the shadowy hallway.

26. The candle blew out, plunging the room into a shadowy darkness.

27. The efforts with pigeons and parrots bear only shadowy comparison.

28. We have been looking at the shadowy world of the paranormal.

29. His intense scrutiny took in the shadowy and empty lengths of the corridor.

30. Gripping her spear in white hands, she stood gazing at the shadowy Isle.

31. They were standing in the shadowy arcade that encircled the cobblestone courtyard.

32. Behind him the minister stood as straight and shadowy as a cypress tree.

33. Since her illness, other people had become shadowy and had no real existence for her.

34. Far off in the distance, the shadowy peak of an island could be seen.

35. Go forth to meet the shadowy future, without fear and with a manly heart.

36. Yes, it was life, not some shadowy form, that returned to the boy.

37. Shadows merge into the snow; the woodcut turns into a shadowy chalk drawing.

38. even not far from our building with its blurred brick and long shadowy hallway

39. Concuss is a shadowy media cult and propagandists' guild located in the heart of Seattle, WA.

40. Following a brief but noisy scuffle, the window banged open and a shadowy figure burst through.

41. Synonyms for Bleared include undistinct, indistinct, faint, unclear, fuzzy, obscure, shadowy, blurred, hazy and indistinguishable

42. Two shadowy figures emerge—clothed in gloves, boots, cotton overalls, and veiled, broad-rimmed hats.

43. Several physiological and psychological conditions can account for reported experiences of shadowy shapes seeming alive.

44. 2003 Concuss is a shadowy media cult and propagandists' guild located in the heart of Seattle, WA.

45. Concuss is a shadowy media cult and propagandists' guild located in the heart of Seattle, WA.

46. This spell fills an area with shadowy grey strands of force, resembling a giant spider web.

47. The Charmed Ones fight off a shadowy figure seeking powerful artifacts from an underworld prison

48. She was alive; and she'd been here before, in this shadowy glade with the dark pool.

49. To his left was a long, shadowy, cobbled passage running beside what looked like barred loose boxes.

50. As I sit in a shadowy corner, I observe a slow and gradual elongation of his mouth.

51. The objects bring visitors tantalizingly close to a shadowy figure who seems always to hover just out of reach.

52. They made out a shadowy form in front of them, by shielding their eyes against the blinding glare.

53. He goes away from a living woman to celebrate his pitiless wedding with a shadowy ideal of conduct.

54. 18 As I sit in a shadowy corner, I observe a slow and gradual elongation of his mouth.

55. Most spam, DDoS attacks, spyware, click fraud, and other attacks originate from Botnets and the shadowy organizations behind them

56. The process is described as changing the agents into "shadowy superhuman beings bent on executing the will of their true master".

57. The bird songs seem more distinctive, their Cawings and chirpings add to the mystery of these often-dark, shadowy places

58. It Appalled her, nevertheless, to discern here, again, a shadowy reflection of the evil that had existed in herself

59. What does Apparition mean? The definition of an Apparition is an unusual sight or the shadowy image of someone who has died

60. The best Rather could do was enthuse about shadowy figures in crowds who might or might not be somebody guilty of something.

61. When the adventurers move from 5d to either 5c or 5e they are attacked by a swarm of shadowy, ethereal forms.

62. The ultimate wet dream, the Besotter of souls; Wretched dowser, shadowy harbinger of extinction, Mythical scythe-bearer, man's final goal

63. Indeed, much of Dominic Cooke’s plodding film feels as if it’s been Cribbed from other, more potent works about shadowy, Soviet-era intelligence

64. Below presents a vast underworld of ever-shifting labyrinths where deadly monstrosities, cunning traps, and a shadowy presence lurk in every passage

65. A sleep paralysis sufferer may perceive a "shadowy or indistinct shape" approaching them when they lie awake paralyzed and become increasingly alarmed.

66. The street itself was deserted, the narrow plots of grass between the buildings an indescribable confusion of shadowy thorns and weeds.

67. As his consciousness slipped away from him, he was aware of a shadowy figure appearing from the mist and standing over him.

68. Once a shadowy misfortune families hid as if it were shameful, depression is becoming just another slice of the health-care business.

69. Explaining the “big tent conspiracy theory” that falsely claims that former President Trump is facing down a shadowy Cabal of Democratic pedophiles

70. Strauss has been characterized as an Antidemocratic ultraconservative: the shadowy intellectual figure behind some of the men who planned the Iraq war

71. Jeremiah (Tyler) recounts a story where his truck breaks down and he is accosted by a shadowy stranger--torture ensues! Bullwhipped: Legend of the Shadow 2

72. When it comes to the secretive business of recruiting spies, images of shadowy figures and covert meetings at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge spring to mind.

73. They stumble out of their tents, their sleep-filled eyes widen in fright at the leaping flames that highlight shadowy shapes and ignite superstitious fear.

74. She saw a large, empty, shadowy play-house, still redolent of the perfumes and blazonry of the night, and notable for its rich, oriental appearance.

75. Mazella shows how the ‘Cynicism’ of the ancient world, represented by the shadowy but powerful figure of Diogenes, turns into the watered-down ‘Cynicism’ of the present.

76. Some say Bitcoins are being used to buy illegal drugs online via shadowy markets that exploit both the effectively untraceable Bitcoins and the anonymous way they can be traded.

77. Adherents follow the anonymous Q, and believe world governments are being controlled by a shadowy cabal of pedophiles (who will eventually be brought to justice by President Trump)

78. I reach the ramparts and the shadowy gates / whence first I issued, backward through the night / my studied steps retracing. Horror waits / around; the very silence breeds affright.

79. Taken from their families, sequestered in a shadowy world of darkness for 18 years -- two nine-year periods deliberately chosen to evoke the nine months they spend in the natural mother's womb.

80. The Acolyte is a mystery-thriller that will take the audience into a galaxy of shadowy secrets and emerging dark side powers in the final days of the High Republic era.