Use "sexual performance" in a sentence

1. At the same time, his anxiety about sexual performance has diminished.

2. Peanut Buttering The act of using Peanut Butter on your penis when you have a peanut allergy to enhance sexual performance

3. Andropause Male climacteric, male menopause Endocrinology A constellation of changes that occur in older ♂, including ↓ libido, sexual performance, ↓ sperm quantity and quality, erectile dysfunction, frailty, ↓ muscle and bone mass, and ↑ body fat Clinical Hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, irritability, weakness, lethargy, ↓ lean body and bone mass, and impotence Management Some

4. The device, which is actually a ring that fits around the base of the Condom, can provide you statistics on every aspect of your penis and sexual performance that you never really needed to know (such as girth, calories burned, etc.) but also claims to be able to detect sexually