Use "sexual maturity" in a sentence

1. Climacteric (medicine), the transitional period from sexual maturity to middle age

2. 23 Girls generally reach sexual maturity two years earlier than boys.

3. Bluefins reach sexual maturity between seven and nine years of age

4. Green Anoles will reach sexual maturity anywhere from 12-18 months

5. These fish reach sexual maturity at 9–12 months of age.

6. Aardwolves reach sexual maturity by the time they are 2 years old

7. They postulated that females may not attain sexual maturity until about 34-36 months after metamorphosis.

8. Coyotes reach sexual maturity within one to two years, with a gestation period of 58-65 days.

9. Cockatiels reach sexual maturity between 1-2 years, at that time some mutations (colours) can be sexed visually

10. A Barrow is a male pig that has been castrated or rendered incapable of reproducing before he reaches sexual maturity

11. Examination of reproductive products obtained from stripping provided an accurate indicator of sex and sexual maturity, but demonstrated serious limitations.

12. To Castrate a cat, try to do it before your cat reaches sexual maturity at around 5-6 months of age

13. The Clitellum, a saddle-shaped thickening of the body wall, is present at sexual maturity. The anus is at the posterior tip

14. Asian small-Clawed otters reach sexual maturity at about 1.5 years and generally stay with one mate for most of their lives

15. Chelonians are long lived and slow to reach sexual maturity, making them extremely vulnerable to human impacts on their habitat and populations

16. Bigeye tuna are known to live to about 16 years, likely reaching sexual maturity between the ages of two and four years

17. There was a marked decrease in mean total cholesterol around age 14 in both sexes, inversely related to the degree of sexual maturity.

18. Juvenile Alewives migrate downstream to the ocean in late summer and fall, where they will remain until sexual maturity in 3 to 5 years

19. Eggs are produced from spring to autumn, the offspring reach sexual maturity the following summer, and individuals can live for up to two years.

20. Young Aardwolves generally achieve sexual maturity after two years, and the breeding season varies depending on their location, but normally takes place during the autumn or spring

21. Sperm are the smaller of the two gametes and are generally very short-lived, requiring males to produce them continuously from the time of sexual maturity until death.

22. While these results demonstrate that cues indicative of female sexual maturity (large breasts and dark Areolae) are more attractive to men, patterns of eye movements did not differ based on

23. Typical of many seabird species, Black-footed Albatrosses have delayed sexual maturity such that first breeding may be at age eight or later, and they raise only one chick each year.

24. Anamorphosis or Anamorphogenesis refers to postembryonic development and moulting in Arthropoda that results in the addition of abdominal body segments, even after sexual maturity. An example of this occurs in proturans and millipedes

25. Orders Thysanura (the true Bristletails, with three bristles, including the silverfish) and Diplura (the two-pronged Bristletails), subclass Apterygota ‘Jumping Bristletails moult 8 to 10 times before reaching sexual maturity, which may take up to …

26. Freud sought to anchor this pattern of development in the dynamics of the mind. Each stage is a progression into adult sexual maturity, characterized by a strong ego and the ability to delay gratification (cf.

27. Before puberty a delay in sexual maturity (in particular delayed menarche) and after menarche oligomenorrhoea or secondary amenorrhoea may result, most frequently in aerobic-type activities associated with lower body weight such as running, aerobics and gymnastics.

28. The EU definition is: "male fowl castrated surgically before reaching sexual maturity and slaughtered at a minimum age of 140 days; after castration the Capons must be fattened for at least 77 days." After cas

29. Other characteristics that could cause wild-type males to be chosen more frequently could be the lack of growth of the kype, the hooked jaw of a male, and red coloration on anadromous males, which demonstrates sexual maturity to females.

30. Adult Size: Young of the year, Alewives reach a length of 2 to 3 inches by their first fall and are usually 4 to 6 inches long at maturity.Males reach sexual maturity at age 2 and females mature at age 3

31. We examined parental care in captive collared lemmings (Dicrostonyx richardsoni) to determine how this behavior differed between sexes and to test the hypothesis that presence of the male with the litter from parturition to weaning (17 d) would affect preweaning rates of growth, behavioral development, and body size and aggression at sexual maturity.

32. The animals have the following phenotypic characters: medium height, good body development, proportionate physique, with a range of colourings but predominantly black, long hair, with horns, average-sized ears, short but strong legs, exceptionally resistant, abstemious, with a strong temperament, suited to dry, hot climates, poor pastures and extensive feeding conditions, late sexual maturity, low incidence of multiple births, low milk production (the milk has high levels of fat (5 %) and protein (3,5 %)), resistant to extreme weather conditions, resistant to disease and able to walk far.

33. The animals have the following phenotypic characters: medium height, good body development, proportionate physique, with a range of colourings but predominantly black, long hair, with horns, average-sized ears, short but strong legs, exceptionally resistant, abstemious, with a strong temperament, suited to dry, hot climates, poor pastures and extensive feeding conditions, late sexual maturity, low incidence of multiple births, low milk production (the milk has high levels of fat (# %) and protein (#,# %)), resistant to extreme weather conditions, resistant to disease and able to walk far