Use "severely" in a sentence

1. He's severely dyslexic.

2. Austere Severely simple; unadorned

3. Fog severely restricted visibility.

4. The most severely Afflictedchildren may be severely deaf, suffer heart problems and kidney abnormalities

5. Large portions of the country were scarred — severely, severely hurt — by this horrible war.

6. Many Brazilian prisons are severely

7. His policies were severely criticized.

8. Steven was born severely handicapped.

9. Their activities were severely circumscribed.


11. He told them off severely.

12. Food supplies were severely depleted.

13. Bouldered severely inebriated, beyond stoned.

14. Vampires are severely allergic to silver.

15. Salmon populations have been severely depleted .

16. His blood pressure had dropped severely.

17. He told off the employee severely.

18. Belle has already been severely punished.

19. Castigate: To punish or rebuke severely

20. The accident left him severely disabled.

21. 10 Her joints are severely inflamed.

22. He has a severely restricted diet.

23. Purchasing power has been severely eroded.

24. The stadium roof was severely damaged.

25. The offenders will be severely disciplined.

26. To criticize severely and devastatingly; excoriate.

27. Many company managers are severely overextended.

28. I escaped with severely bruised legs.

29. Centuries of warfare severely depopulated northern China.

30. The grippe hit unusually severely that year.

31. The boat was severely damaged as well.

32. Both teams were severely depleted by injuries.

33. Many of our patients are severely disturbed.

34. The stranded hulk a severely damaged ship.

35. Geriatric hospitals are often severely under-staffed.

36. Bmi Values: Less than 16.0 – Severely Underweight.

37. A fire had severely damaged the warehouse.

38. I was severely reprimanded by my boss.

39. Many of the children are severely retarded.

40. The manager was severely censured for negligence.

41. Working with severely traumatized, chronically depressed Analysands

42. Full mouth rehabilitation of severely Attrited dentition

43. 8 Salmon populations have been severely depleted .

44. Spending on books has been severely curtailed.

45. Dive bombers from Enterprise severely damaged Akagi.

46. Those who disobey will be severely punished.

47. Salmon populations have been severely depleted recently.

48. Chastise definition is - to censure severely : castigate

49. Chastise definition is - to censure severely : castigate

50. The severely injured are in Section A.

51. 8 The accident left him severely disabled.

52. Access to such arms should be severely curtailed.

53. He was severely injured and never regained consciousness.

54. The town was severely damaged in the war.

55. Their plane had been severely buffeted by storms.

56. Her hair was tied severely in a bun.

57. She was severely reprimanded for accepting the money.

58. Austerely: In an austere manner; severely; rigidly; harshly

59. Without mutual trust, economic activity is severely constrained.

60. The field of view may be severely limited.

61. Anyone breaking the law will be severely punished.

62. Access to such arms should be severely curtailed

63. His courage was severely tried by his ordeal.

64. Often the smallest calves are most severely affected.

65. Antabuse works by causing a severely-unpleasant physical …

66. Become easily offended, anxious, or even severely depressed

67. Agriculture and forestry have been most severely affected

68. But the fossil water reserves are severely depleted.

69. The daughter was killed; the father, severely injured.

70. This region suffered severely from the Chernobyl disaster.

71. She became severely depressed after her mother's death.

72. Motorists should be punished severely for dangerous driving.

73. Motorists should be severely punished for dangerous driving.

74. While Buzzards occasionally kill a severely ill or injured

75. Parents don't punish their children so severely these days.

76. The film was severely cut up by many reviewers.

77. Human rights activists and religious activists were severely repressed.

78. This phenomenon was severely criticized by humanism and romanticism.

79. She was severely injured but made a full recovery.

80. Definition of Castigate (verb): criticize someone or something severely