Use "settles" in a sentence

1. The horse gives another snort and settles down.

2. As of 2015, Chips settles over 250,000 of …

3. The WTO organizes trade negotiations and settles trade disputes.

4. The grit settles in the quarries and the milk-white water is pumped up into tanks where the china clay settles slowly.Sentencedict

5. Colonizers: a person who settles in a new region.

6. Comments Off on Canada Settles Issues; America Belabors Them

7. Colonist: a person who settles in a new region.

8. The Chortling Murrain becomes truly infectious when it settles into a Plaguebearer

9. The silence of death settles down over the enclosures for their “flocks.”

10. XXX dons her Byssine waistcoat and settles it into place

11. Your diarist settles down for a long session on the laptop.

12. Eventually, though, demand settles down and stones assume their normal position.

13. He nods stiffly, then settles his chin down on his chest, scowling.

14. A caste council promotes their interests and settles legal disputes among Bawaria

15. And the noise settles to an unobtrusive drone at highway cruising speeds.

16. Once the Avalanche stops, it settles like concrete, making body movement nearly impossible

17. 17 And the noise settles to an unobtrusive drone at highway cruising speeds.

18. Some movement in the building will occur as it settles into the subsoil.

19. An Acquirer, or acquiring financial institution, is a bank that processes and settles a merchant’s daily credit card transactions, and then in turn settles those transactions with the card issuer/association

20. Beds and cupboards, known as Aumbries, were built into walls, as were benches and settles

21. Whether the Angstrom project settles on electrical or optical connections remains to be seen.

22. Joining them, Charlotte settles into a routine, roving by day and writing at night.

23. The butterfly settles down on the flower and deposits a few white-colored eggs.

24. A Clincher sentence is one that settles definitely and conclusively some argument or thesis

25. When the loop settles, the FSW gives the digital estimate of the unknown frequency.

26. 24 He settles for a life-changing career among the cadavers as an undertaker.

27. A merchant Acquirer is a bank that processes and settles your daily credit card transactions

28. Synonyms for Compromises include concedes, arbitrates, collaborates, conciliates, negotiates, settles, bargains, deals, agrees and cooperates

29. Synonyms for Becalms include soothes, calms, settles, lulls, composes, stills, pacifies, salves, lullabies and quiets

30. Synonyms for Appeases include soothes, mollifies, assuages, pacifies, calms, placates, conciliates, allays, propitiates and settles

31. While your back is turned he browses a deck of cards and settles on one.

32. Synonyms for Arbitrates include adjudges, adjudicates, decides, determines, judges, referees, settles, umpires, mediates and conciliates

33. The rays of sunlight play on its silky blue wings as it settles on a large hibiscus flower.

34. In a secondary basin, the sludge settles, with part of it being reused in the aeration basin.

35. The substance to be examined absorbs the methylene blue and settles as a blue, fibrous mass

36. A Colonist is a member of a government-backed group that settles in a new country or region

37. The protagonist of the novel is a typical colonist, who settles on the island and colonizes it.

38. After escaping a forest fire, the quartet ultimately settles on a small beach, where Rod fishes for dinner.

39. Cadmium tends to be absorbed by suspended particles and settles to the bottom of the source of water .

40. • A whole group of Connotations, arising from our knowledge of the drug culture, then settles on the music

41. A Clincher is a fact or argument that finally proves something, settles a dispute, or helps someone achieve a victory.

42. What does Clincher mean? The definition of a Clincher is a point or moment that settles a contest or decision

43. A note on discount Cash discounts A supplier may offer a cash discount to a retailer who settles his account promptly.

44. 20 This larva eventually settles down on a rock, usually chalk or limestone, and grows the two valves of its shell.

45. Next, in the grit chambers, organic matter is suspended in the water by air bubbles, and the heavier grit settles to the bottom.

46. The little boys have been, for sport, Besmearing their faces with the black mud that settles in the bottom of the creek

47. Thackeray's Vanity Fair In the face of the satyrs' Cajoleries she coyly lowers her head and settles down into her voluminous flesh

48. The eye licks it all up instantaneously, and the brain, agreeably titillated, settles down to watch things happening without Bestirring itself to think.

49. As the Briquets float, Bti (or bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, a natural mosquito-killing biocontrol agent) is slowly released at the water’s surface and gradually settles in …

50. Ep 7: Blindsided Nico settles into life as the number two on deck but questions if he has the longevity to stick out the season

51. Mark has always been a bit of a ladies' man; it will be interesting to see if he settles down now that he's got married.

52. Suddenly at midday, after Jesus has been on the stake for a while, an eerie darkness of divine origin settles over the land for three hours.

53. Seen from our country's present reality, the choice of the terms of payments of international trade, Propose on one's own initiative few that settles account by this way.

54. McKinsey Settles For $45 Million After Boosting Opioid Sales In Nevada The consulting firm advised Purdue Pharma to “turbocharge” their Oxycontin sales by issuing more prescription doses

55. While the song settles into a slightly more traditional swoon about halfway through, Lieberum deftly balances reverence and nostalgia for the classics with some contemporary edge as she Croons …

56. (c) If an Englishman settles in Australia, he is regarded as a Boor if he criticizes all things Australian and constantly harps on how much better the English are.

57. To stop the contamination from spreading, the local fire department had to add significant quantities of dissolved aluminum chloride, which binds to cadmium and settles on the river bottom.

58. You’ll get a veal thrill iran n personal in-Apasttra rf this sawPeeleyl E2SKX Console Speaker Table Settles the question—* ••Where to pot the radio?" Simple la deriga; elegant and decorative.

59. In the exercise of its jurisdiction in Contentious cases, the International Court of Justice settles disputes of a legal nature that are submitted to it by States in accordance with international law

60. Typically, within two hours of setting out in search of food, the common vampire bat returns to its roost and settles down to spend the rest of the night digesting its meal.

61. Because warmer air rises and cooler air settles, the entrance area acts as a cold trap whereas the sleeping area will hold whatever heat is generated by a stove, lamp, body heat, or other device.

62. In fact, he has long made a habit of ignoring most adult women to prevent them from “toppling, Bloodripe, into [his] cold lap.” He could have a really impressive woman, but he settles on a

63. ISSF World Cup: Chinky Yadav pips Manu Bhaker for women's 25m pistol gold It was an all-India affair at the podium as Rahi Sarnobat settles for silver medal while Manu Bhaker takes the third spot.

64. Someone replied to him, as if it was a stupid question — and I admit it does strike so many that way in our Attractionally-dominated evangelical scene — "Because it looks cool and people like it." As if that settles it

65. 51–65) Camus avers, “In its way, suicide settles the Absurd” (54), saying, “Before encountering the Absurd, the everyday man lives with aims, a concern for the future or for justification…He weighs his chances, he counts on ‘someday,’ his retirement or the labor of his sons.

66. Often, a Charybdis settles in along a well-known shipping route near the shoreline or amid an archipelago of islands where ships are forced along relatively narrow lanes between rocky isles—such locations allow the Charybdis to lie in wait and increases the chance of its prey being unable to circumvent its vortex

67. ‘Beds and cupboards, known as Aumbries, were built into walls as were benches and settles.’ ‘An aumbry was always conveniently placed near the fireplace at the end of the high table.’ ‘Low down in the corners of the east wall are two hollows known as Aumbries which were probably used to contain relics.’

68. One who Administers affairs; one who directs, manages, executes, or dispenses, whether in civil, judicial, political, or ecclesiastical affairs; a manager· (law) A person who manages or settles the estate of an intestate, or of a testator when there is no competent executor; one to whom the right of Administration has been committed by competent