Use "settle in" in a sentence

1. Settle down.

2. Settle this.

3. Did you settle down in the school?

4. She had decided to settle permanently in France.

5. His uncle chose to settle in the countryside.

6. Settle down, bitch!

7. 6 An illegitimate son will settle in Ashʹdod,

8. 3 Settle Differences in a Spirit of Love

9. The snow didn't settle .

10. Cannot settle, cannot subside.

11. I'd settle for agnostic.

12. In all likelihood, Anne would settle for an Englishman.

13. Bluestones BPO will help your business settle in Korea.

14. Wealthy Argentines Flee Taxes, Politics to Settle in Uruguay

15. Birders All Atwitter As 2 Rare Birds Settle In NYC

16. Dwell and carry on trade in it and settle in it.”

17. Now, come on, settle down!

18. Emilio took some time off to help them settle in.

19. It's time we settle up.

20. 1; verb without object Colonise to settle in a colony

21. In the end they had to settle for a draw.

22. The contents of the packet may settle down in travelling.

23. Colonize definition, to establish a colony in; settle: England Colonized Australia

24. Croats began to settle in the region in the seventh century AD

25. Time Needed to Settle Vital Issues

26. I am here for about a fortnight whilst you settle in.

27. I'm trying to settle something here.

28. Just wasn't ready to settle down.

29. But we'd settle matters as warriors.

30. The thunderstorm may settle the weather.

31. Your goal is to settle on.

32. Both of us have to settle in our new married life.

33. At some point after 440, the Anglo-Saxons settle in Britain.

34. In 1950 he signed for Coventry City but did not settle.

35. It's not always easy for a new player to settle in.

36. We aim to settle all valid claims in a timely manner.

37. Let's settle on an even 15.

38. Anaxagoras was the first philosopher to settle (circa 480) in Athens

39. And Australia, while Assyrians from Turkey preferred to settle in Europe

40. The families decided to initially settle in Naila where they landed.

41. He said he would come in nest week and settle up.

42. I hope we can settle this Amicably

43. I'm not ready to settle down yet.

44. Let's settle up and leave this restaurant.

45. ( 39 ) Or to settle in cash in the case of liquidity-absorbing operations.

46. Settle Accounts with or square Accounts with

47. I'll settle for being your favorite aunt.

48. Stir the coffee to settle the grounds.

49. Have a drink to settle your stomach.

50. Settle your own argument - I'm quite uninterested!

51. Colonise meaning To settle (somewhere) with colonists.

52. Back then, our once-nomadic ancestors began to settle in the Crescent.

53. He comes from a branch of our family that settle in Korea.

54. Settle the outstanding accounts payable and receivable

55. Let a rain cloud settle over it.

56. I'm sure things will settle down soon.

57. She breathed deeply to settle her nerves .

58. You must settle the matter among yourselves.

59. Fran Johnson found her the furnished apartment and helped her settle in.

60. Children would settle disputes by trading punches or insults in the schoolyard.

61. I would adore to settle back homeland.

62. I hope we can settle this amicably.

63. You must settle the matter amongst yourselves.

64. In the past, many kids would settle disputes by punching each other out.

65. To settle the outstanding accounts payable and receivable;

66. We shouldn't have to settle for second best.

67. Sometimes you have to settle for second best.

68. He should get a house and settle down.

69. There is pressure on the unions to settle.

70. To settle up her bill, Mrs. Blank needed $

71. Verb with object Colonise to establish a colony in; settle: England colonized Australia

72. A slurry is formed in a tank by agitation, and allowed to settle.

73. Reducing actuator arm oscillation during settle mode in a disc drive servo system

74. Why should we be quick to settle disputes?

75. A referendum was held to settle the issue.

76. How to Settle bifurcation between client and us?

77. What kind of social democracy will settle down.

78. The heavy rain might settle the Changeable weather

79. You know, I'll settle for his loved ones.

80. I should imagine disputes in your line of work are hard to settle.