Use "settle down" in a sentence

1. Settle down.

2. Settle down, bitch!

3. Now, come on, settle down!

4. Just wasn't ready to settle down.

5. I'm not ready to settle down yet.

6. I'm sure things will settle down soon.

7. Did you settle down in the school?

8. He should get a house and settle down.

9. What kind of social democracy will settle down.

10. You have to settle down to study now.

11. When are you going to marry and settle down?

12. • Allow your child time to settle down to reading.

13. Come on children, stop chatting and settle down please!

14. She felt she wasn't yet ready to settle down.

15. I want to live a bit before I settle down.

16. You get to settle down, get married, raise a family.

17. 2 Settle down far from town get him a pirogue.

18. A woman like her, I never thought she'd settle down.

19. You get to settle down, get married, raise a family

20. The contents of the packet may settle down in travelling.

21. She's had her fling and now she's got to settle down.

22. One day I'll want to settle down and have a family.

23. Wait until the children settle down before you start the lesson.

24. Is this where we're going to settle down and raise a family?

25. Tom, when are you going to stop tearing around and settle down?

26. 15 I want to settle down, and turn over a new leaf.

27. She's a traveller at heart. You'll never get her to settle down.

28. This is normal and a site’s rankings will settle down over time.

29. When are you going to settle down and get a proper job ?

30. Oh, stop all this gallivanting about, and settle down to do something!

31. You can put on an apron and settle down if you want to.

32. One last blow out fior the God before I settle down for good.

33. They'd like to see their daughter settle down, get married, and have kids.

34. If select Cremation, what do you think how to settle down the cremains?

35. Afterward, you settle down to an evening of state-of-the-art interactive entertainment.

36. It's been really hectic here. When things settle down , I'll give you a call.

37. He forced many nomadic tribes to settle down and abandon "petty wars" and vendettas.

38. There comes a point in most people's lives when they want to settle down.

39. He was tired of the merry-go-round of romance and longed to settle down.

40. Ilana arrived in kibbutz Yagur in 1988 with her husband and settle down ever since.

41. I just want to settle down and have a gaggle of rug rats, like, right now.

42. I want to get boxing out of my system and settle down to enjoy family life.

43. Find yourself someone who has the same reaction to things Alliaceous and settle down with them

44. My dream was to make a million dollars and then settle down in the United States.

45. It always takes the class a while to settle down at the start of the lesson.

46. Becky's not ready to settle down with one man - she enjoys playing the field too much.

47. I was first impressed by bougainvillea about 12 years ago when we moved to settle down here.

48. Settle down and live off the back catalogue: I don't know, I don't think I'd just stop.

49. Although he tries to bring back Jerry's old behaviors, Barney admits that he wants to settle down someday.

50. With its political basis ensured, the government could now settle down to consolidate and enjoy the fruits of recovery.

51. If Adi Sankara lost, he would give up his sanyasa and marry and settle down as householder or in gruhasta life.

52. Lore will never forget her first meeting with Miss Harder: After a few months the three girls began to settle down.

53. So many different ideas are milling about in my head, but I can't settle down to work on any one of them.

54. My wife and I had bought a home and we were ready to settle down into a comfortable middle-aged, middle-class rut.

55. The negatively charged Colloidal particles of impurities get neutralized by the Al 3+ ions and settle down and pure water can be decanted off

56. Claire says they’ve seen online claims that “Aromanticism is just a term used by straight men who don't want to settle down”—basically, equating Aromanticism …

57. The barrel prevents the spread of burning material in windy conditions, and as the combustibles are reduced they can only settle down into the barrel.

58. What tends to happen is that students spend the first week of the course in a blind panic, but settle down by the second or third week.

59. Barite or weight material sag is a problem of drilling mud and it occurs when weighting material (Barite, calcium carbonate, etc) separate from liquid phase and settle down

60. Atalanta defied convention and refused to settle down until she finished her education, had seen a bit of the world, and had a few adventures of her own

61. Slang Synonyms & Antonyms of Boonies the open rural area outside of big towns and cities she grew up in a big city, but chose to settle down way out in the Boonies

62. It's time to indulge yourself -- this is a great time to find 5-star hotel deals in @region! Decide on one of our Aswan 5-star hotels today and settle down in complete

63. With all editing, no matter how sensitive – and I've been very lucky here – I react sulkily at first, but then I settle down and get on with it, and a year later I have my book in my hand.

64. Barbarism Begins at Home Lyrics: Unruly boys who will not grow up / Must be taken in hand / Unruly girls who will not settle down / They must be taken in hand / A crack on the head is what you get

65. These Cacodaemons were believed to have been expelled from Heaven for their sins; they endeavored to settle down in various parts of the Earth, but were always rejected, and out of revenge they found their pleasure in injuring the inhabitants.

66. Let's Atomise Disassemble, pull apart Take it from the start Manufacture, synthesise Right before your eyes Let's Atomise See the great explosion In one iota-sized unholy afternoon Raise the banner Hear the rolling thunder Settle down to form A perfect yellow moon Our old savannah Submit Corrections

67. Sun Buggy is the ultimate wild bachelor party adventure! The Vegas Mini Baja Chase is so insane it'll make you WANT to settle down and get married! Don't wuss out on a regular off road tour, these are the last days of manly greatness! For an amazing Las Vegas Bachelor party weekend YOU MUST ENGAGE IN …

68. Sit down! Il ne m'écoute pas, alors je fais genre "Assis ! " He doesn't listen to me, so I'm like, "sit! " Ce n'est pas important où tu es Assis! It doesn't matter where you sit! Le cours va commencer, tout le monde Assis ! Class, everybody, settle down! Soyez féroces quand vous

69. Alberich's hammer - Gabriel Fauré hears its sonorous echoes rise from the smithy at Moulinéry when his parents settle down in the premises of the Ecole Normale of Montgauzy, which according to one of its Heads, looks like the ‘Flying Dutchman’ from a misty distance; the 4-year-old child will bring back to the composer's memory the symphony of bells ringing out in Ganac and Cadirac at the time of the angelus, which marks the beginning of the Andante of the 2nd quartet.