Use "set forth" in a sentence

1. They set forth at dawn.

2. We set forth immediately after breakfast.

3. He set forth with his car.

4. Individual Unit Histories - all are meticulously set forth.

5. Diverging regulations must be set forth in writing.

6. He set forth an idealistic view of society.

7. 7 Individual Unit Histories - all are meticulously set forth.

8. None quite meets all the criteria set forth above.

9. He set forth his political view on the radio.

10. Objective Correlative, literary theory first set forth by T.S

11. Aided fiftancially and'Advisorily by the federal government, was set forth

12. 10 They set forth on their travels in early June.

13. The argument set forth in his article was riddled violently.

14. DeclAratory definition is - serving to declare, set forth, or explain

15. The President set forth his views in a television broadcast.

16. The Baneful effects of forcing the voice is clearly set forth

17. It reiterated the arguments set forth in its submission on admissibility.

18. He was confered a medal to set forth his military exploits.

19. Here are a few cautions, as set forth by AARP Consumer Affairs:

20. The current list of Bsby Included Banksis set forth in the Appendix

21. The complete list of Aggravated felonies is set forth in 8 U.S

22. They were about to set forth on a voyage into the unknown.

23. The following paragraphs set forth procedures that the Circulator is to follow

24. Major overhaul with Crankcases having lower numbers than set forth in Table 1

25. I followed all the protocols set forth by you in the relationship agreement.

26. THE divine word set forth in the Scriptures is “alive and exerts power.”

27. standard access control measures, in addition to those set forth in this Regulation;

28. The obligations imposed on data controllers in third countries should be clearly set forth.

29. However, most trades have set forth individual customs impeding full disclaimer of any provisions.

30. Should not worship set forth the gospel and proclaim the faith of the Church?

31. The obligations imposed on data controllers in third countries should be clearly set forth

32. The ideas and techniques it set forth provided the initial stimulus for Romantic drama.

33. To Bareboat charter the Boat to Renter under the terms and conditions set forth herein

34. America is named after Amerigo Vespucci, the Italian explorer who set forth the […]

35. 5 The ride of the four horsemen is set forth in Revelation 6:1-8.

36. What exultant song of praise is set forth at Isaiah 26:1-6, and why?

37. Son of man, set forth an allegory and tell the house of Israel a parable.

38. Brown Act in its entirety is set forth in the appendi x to the pamphlet

39. It was therefore essential not to abandon the principle set forth in draft article 21.

40. 2 An architect prepares blueprints that clearly set forth what the restoration work will accomplish.

41. The other Creeds set forth the mercies of Revelation; this adds the danger of rejecting them

42. For example , credit card issuers are subject to consumer protection laws set forth by the government .

43. The Lionisers' cup was thus already full well before they set forth to Gads' Hill Place.

44. It conforms to the specifications set forth in Article 3 of the 1995 Constitution of Ethiopia.

45. Regarding how to make good use of given medicine audiovisual material, author set forth own views.

46. All above all, the basic and secondary well as its syntactical functions get systematically set forth.

47. Applicants should read individual solicitations in their entirety and follow the instructions set forth in each solicitation

48. Jehovah’s Witnesses adhere to the standard set forth in the Christian Greek Scriptures with reference to marriage.

49. 26 No formal, authoritative documents set forth these rules, and they find no embodiment in statute law.

50. The first distribution of active quotas is set forth in Annex A, Section II to this Treaty.

51. Blazon definition, to set forth conspicuously or publicly; display; proclaim: The pickets Blazoned their grievances on placards

52. Various performance matrices set forth alternative combinations of sequence generation through three parameters: storage, software, and time.

53. The road map set forth a specific three-year time frame for the birth of a Palestinian State.

54. Patients must meet all other eligibility requirements set forth in the VYEPTI Copay Assistance Program Terms and Conditions

55. 1915.1027, Cadmium Applies to shipyard employment the standard requirements identical to those set forth in 29 CFR 1910.1027.

56. The next night some hundred men from all companies set forth, but were literally massacred by violent gunfire.

57. This plan is set forth in the scriptures; men and women cannot rewrite it to accommodate their desires.

58. The obligation of such staff members to file such statements is set forth in staff regulation 1.2 (n).

59. After analysis of UML and ACME, UML and ACME usages in component _ oriented developing process are set forth.

60. These rudiments of space and close personal relationships grow out of the tasks set forth in the classroom.

61. And when a business agreement is made between two parties, the terms should always be set forth in writing.

62. State laws, local board policies, and collective bargaining agreements set forth the specific reasons why teachers can be dismissed.

63. Cardholders shall adhere to the procedures set forth in the DoD Financial Management Regulation and applicable DoD Component guidance

64. Violation of probation happens when any of the conditions set forth by the court are not met, including Absconding

65. Anthraquinone adequately satisfies the requirements set forth in 40 CFR 158.690 (c) for biochemical pesticides for nonfood outdoor uses

66. 25 So the mother goose took the carving knife and set forth with the little gosling close behind her.

67. The dynamics of the Blackcurrant Concentrate market have been set forth that include various projections, historical data, demographic changes, and …

68. The Custodian will be responsible for maintaining sanitation levels in and around company facilities as set forth by company standards.

69. So on this occasion when the priest set forth this ancient cry, it was as if a sleeping volcano erupted.

70. The county administrator has executive powers to implement the policies and procedures set forth by the Board of County Commissioners

71. We will also need an ever greater sensitivity to our own responsibilities when we set forth to enjoy the countryside.

72. Absences due to illness must be reported in accordance with the procedures set forth under the University's sick leave policy

73. The norms of domestic life it set forth drew a clear ideological boundary between rational members of society and the feckless.

74. His influential 1976 article on "Agrarian class structure and economic development in pre-industrial Europe" set forth the controversial "Brenner thesis."

75. Committed, participated as accomplice, organized or directed others to commit the crime set forth in article 2 of this Statute; or

76. Rousseau introduced a new moral system, which was in essence a reiteration of ideas already set forth by Shaftesbury and Pope.

77. An Analytical essay is a type of paper where you set forth an argument, and then analyze it using supporting claims

78. The Aesthetician renewal fee is $60.00, as set forth in Rule 0440-1-.13(3) of the Tennessee Rules of Cosmetology

79. The theme, which I set forth in my keynote address was XML and its intersection with open standards and open source.

80. Our Zinc Anodes meet all standards set forth by Mil-Spec A-18001K, Mil-Spec A-18001A, and Mil-Spec A-18001.