Use "serologic" in a sentence

1. Serologic, hematologic, biochemical, and histologic observations were also made on these same Agoutis, and serologic, microbiologic, and endoparasiti …

2. Serologic tests for syphilis also revealed strong positive reactions.

3. The same technique is used today in serologic testing for countless other diseases.

4. Conclusion: A serologic reaction can help dia gnose the secondary syphilis in clinic.

5. Latent syphilis is defined as having serologic proof of infection without symptoms of disease.

6. The serologic activity of the hemagglutinogen was not affected by acid hydrolysis but was decreased by neuraminidase treatment.

7. Serologic pitfalls, which might be due to this abnormal genetic event, are demonstrated in the blood group systems ABO, HLA, Gm, and Rhesus.

8. It has evoked some controversy about the problem whether a certain dose of allergen by intradermic injection can result in serologic changes in human body or not.

9. The accuracy of serologic testing has been verified by isolation and culture of HIV and by detection of HIV RNA by PCR, which are widely accepted "gold standards" in microbiology.

10. Besides regular clinical, serologic/immunologic and endoscopic/histologic assessment a careful history taking with special regard to the disease course and a detailed ultrasound examination of the entire abdomen in patients at risk may play an important role in the long-term follow-up.

11. Chimpanzee Adenoviruses do not appear to spread easily to humans through occupational contact with primates because none of the 23 persons who had routine exposure to primates, including chimpanzees, had serologic evidence of exposure despite the high prevalence of antibodies to chimpanzee Adenoviruses in captive US chimpanzees.