Use "serenaded" in a sentence

1. A mariachi band serenaded production of the last car.

2. In the interval a blond boy dressed in white serenaded the company on the flute.

3. 5 In the interval a blond boy dressed in white serenaded the company on the flute.

4. 8 Costa del Sol is a comment on the package holiday, a couple being serenaded by Antonio.

5. Revel in days of barefoot ease, serenaded by tropical birdsong and scented by cinnamon trees and frangipani.

6. Daryl Johnston, the most celebrated blocking back on the planet, is serenaded with moose calls anytime he touches the football.

7. The Balladeer by John Holyfield is a limited edition work of art depicting a black woman in a pink dress being serenaded by a black guitar player as they sit in a swing chair

8. Ill-Advisedly launched at the high-profile Cannes fest, "Words" sent critics scurrying for the exit at its press show, but received a much warmer reception at its midnight public preem, prior to which thesp Georgina Dobson memorably serenaded the audience with a hard-core version of "My Favorite Things." Modest, Japanese-funded item is more