Use "septum" in a sentence

1. In addition, an access port comprising a septum and a means for identification of the septum is disclosed.

2. This wall is called the Atrial septum.

3. Acoustic window and septum for imaging catheters

4. Biofilm on the septum/housing of a needleless connector

5. The procedure of septotomy consists in a dividing of the interdental septum without injuring either the extreme point of the septum or the adjoining teeth.

6. There was division with a septum in the extensor compartment in 60%.

7. 12 Measurement showed the septum pellucidi deviated from falx cerebrum and midline.

8. A multi-sectional acoustic septum 'that includes sections which have different acoustic resistance properties.

9. System Apulmonic stenosis or an aortic stenosis, andto compare the effectofsuchstenoses withtheeffectofadefectin theinterventricular septum

10. A number of taxa delay the dicalycal theca and produce a unistipular proximal part without a median septum and a Bistipular distal part of the colony with a delayed insertion of the median septum

11. An acoustic structure that includes a honeycomb having cells in which septum caps are located.

12. Columella na´si the fleshy external termination of the septum of the nose

13. A septibranch Bivalve has a septum across its mantle cavity, which functions to pump in food

14. Incision of the medial retinaculum and blunt separation of the vastus medialis muscle from the intermuscular septum.

15. The Absence of the septum pellucidum is a rare condition that affects the structure of the brain

16. Atrioventricular septal defects (AVSDs), also known as Atrioventricular canal defects or endocardial cushion defects, comprise a relatively wide range of defects involving the atrial septum, ventricular septum, and one or both of the tricuspid or mitral valve.They can represent 2 …

17. The orbital septum separates the intraorbital fat from the palpebral part of the orbicularis oculi m.

18. The septum and Columella will need to be lengthened in this situation with cartilage grafts and repositioning

19. Ciliated cells in the epithelium of the respiratory tract (septum nasi, trachea) and oviduct of mice were investigated.

20. 23 Conclusion HRCT features of SARS following hospital discharge are ground-glass opacity, interlobular septum and intralobular interstitial thickening.

21. Cartilaginous Sentence Examples In humming-birds and petrels the trachea is partly divided by a vertical, longitudinal, Cartilaginous septum

22. Unlike the alligator, though, Caimans do not have a septum; that is, the bony partition that separates the nostrils

23. Abstriction n the separation and release of a mature spore from a sporophore by the formation of a septum

24. Structures involved in endoCarditis can include the valves, chordae tendineae, cardiac septum, or the lining of the chambers

25. Abjoint: In mycology , to separate by a septum, as in the case of the spores of some fungi.

26. 3 cases of congenital agenesis of the septum pellucidum are described which were diagnosed in vivo by pneumencephalography.

27. Incision of retinaculae preparing a lengthening. The vastus medialis muscle is dissected from the intermuscular septum from distal to proximal.

28. During maturation, a septum separates the Chlamydospore from the suspensor cell, and septin filaments are elaborated throughout the Chlamydospore (Fig

29. Abjoint definition: to cut off part of a mycelium or spore by forming a septum Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

30. MR imaging demonstrates two separate uteri with widely divergent apices, two separate Cervices, and usually an upper vaginal longitudinal septum

31. 21 Methods The correlative tracks and areas on nasal septum and inferior nasal meatus were measured in 20 cadaveric heads.

32. 23 Objective To investigate the neoplasty of cerebrospinal rhinorrhea by means of mucoperiosteal flap of nasal septum and inferior nasal meatus.

33. Cinchonism Vs Tinnitus Vs Ototoxicity Food That Reduce Tinnitus Aspirin Tinnitus, Episodic Tinnitus Can Cats Hear Your Tinnitus Deviated Septum Symptoms Tinnitus

34. 3 Objective To investigate the neoplasty of cerebrospinal rhinorrhea by means of mucoperiosteal flap of nasal septum and inferior nasal meatus.

35. Atrioventricular (AV) canal defects are a group of congenital cardiac defects involving the AV septum and AV valves (ie, mitral and tricuspid valves)

36. Therefore an Anterior myocardial infarction is the death of heart muscles of the front, and possibly the side and septum, of the left ventricle

37. The guidewire may be configured to puncture the interatrial septum, and includes an active electrode configured to ablate and widen the initial puncture hole.

38. Columella na´si the fleshy external termination of the septum of the nose. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, …

39. The Columella is the most anteroinferior portion of the nasal septum and forms the central fleshy portion between the two nostrils when looking at someone's nose

40. Anthropoids and tarsiers are distinguished from all other vertebrates by the possession of a postorbital septum, which is formed by the frontal, Alisphenoid, and zygomatic bones

41. Atrioventricular septal defects (AVSDs) refer to a broad spectrum of malformations characterized by a deficiency of the Atrioventricular septum and abnormalities of the Atrioventricular valves

42. When it is missing, symptoms may include learning difficulties, behavioral changes, seizures, and changes in vision.Absence of the septum pellucidum is not typically seen as

43. Laminin was strong stained and found in alveolar septum, epithelial cells of alveolar, and the basement membranes of bronchiole and pulmonary vessels in cordal and linear distribution.

44. We describe here a case with decreased visual acuity, one-sided hemianopia, nystagmus und agenesis of the septum pellucidum and discuss the heterogeneous appearance of this syndrome.

45. The Columella, composed of skin and cartilage, is the exposed portion below the nasal septum, or the partition that separates the left and right nasal passages

46. Thus, monograptids are both uniserial and unistipular, septate diplograptids are biserial and Bistipular, but most aseptate diplograptids and some taxa with a partial median septum are biserial and unistipular

47. The echocardiograms associated with all but one of these studies demonstrating left ventricular Asynergy had abnormal motion of some part of the interventricular septum and/or left ventricular posterior wall

48. Columella 1. In corals, a rod-like structure formed from the swollen axial end of the counter- septum that may occur as a central structure within the skeleton. 2.

49. Its former name nucleus Accumbens septi ("a nucleus leaning against the septum") refers to a medial, hook-shaped expansion of this anteroventral region of the striatum, which curves under

50. An Arcuate uterus is a type of a Mullerian duct anomaly in which there is near reabsorption of the uterovaginal septum and where an indentation exists on the endometrium at the uterine fundus

51. The initial Cloaca is the common early endoderm lined space of the hindgut that will later become partitioned by a septum into a dorsal gastrointestinal component (rectum) and ventral renal/genital component (urogenital sinus)

52. An Atrial septal defect (ASD) is a congenital heart disease in which there is an opening in the wall (the Atrial septum) between the heart's two upper chambers (the right and left atria)

53. The flexible material is also sufficiently stiff to provide frictional engagement and locking of the septum cap to the honeycomb cell when the cap is inserted into the honeycomb during fabrication of the acoustic structure.

54. Composed of skin and cartilage, the nasal Columella is the fleshy external portion below the nasal septum – the wall that separates the left and right nasal airways – and forms the base of the nose.

55. The pistil, which is above the rest of the members of the flower, consists of two Carpels joined at their edges to form the ovary, which becomes two-celled by subsequent ingrowth of a septum from these …

56. At this age, the pulmonary frame and parenchyma are improved: connective tissue in the septum disappears, Acinuses, interalveolar communication, Kon pores (they play a significant role in collateral ventilation in violation of bronchial patency) are finally formed.

57. A complete Atrioventricular septal defect (see figure Atrioventricular septal defect) consists of a large ostium primum atrial septal defect (ASD) in the anteroinferior aspect of the septum, a nonrestrictive inlet ventricular septal defect, and a common AV valve orifice

58. Distinguished from other genera, with Accumbent cotyledons, in the same class and order, by the entire, nearly equal petals; and the dehiscent, nearly entirely pouch, of 2, 1- or many-seeded cells, a broad dissepiment (septum), and nearly flat valves.

59. 1999, Otto Appenzeller, The Autonomic Nervous System, →ISBN, page 486: The Antipyretic action of AVP is limited mainly to its action in a precise location in the ventral septum, though there is some evidence for a similar action in the medial amygdala

60. A vaginal tape for treating SUI must be accurately placed under the mid-third of the urethra and at a distance of 3–5 mm from the urethra. Alignment parallel to the urethra in the urethrovaginal septum is also essential for adequate function.

61. This fact is presented by an example of three stations in Switzerland, which provides a quantitative contribution to the problem of the influence of the meteorological septum of the Swiss Alps on the distribution of precipitation on either side of this mountain-chain.

62. Asynergy by M-mode was defined when septal amplitude was less than 3 mm, LW or PW amplitude was less than 9 mm, % systolic thickening (% ST) of the septum was less than 17%, and % ST of the LW or PW was less than 25%

63. Three unusual tumors were found: one early anaplastic “septum ependymoma” in the dorsal column of the spinal cord, and two special mixed tumors of the cranial nerves, i.e. a neurinoma with portions of an oligodendroglioma and a neurinoma with parts of an invasive ependymoma.

64. The Cartilaginous framework was displaced inferiorly and posteriorly, and moved back and forth (the mobilized septum cartilage may need to be moved either to the right or to the left of the SP, so that the Cartilaginous framework moves posteriorly) (see Supplemental Digital Content 5, Separation of the nasal bones from the cartilage framework

65. In a 61 year old female patient who suffered from atypical chest pain we diagnosed long QT syndrome by QTc duration of 467ms, macroscopic T wave alternans and notched T waves in three leads and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with asymmetric thickening of basal parts of the septum (2.0 cm) without relevant outflow tract obstruction by echocardiography.

66. Den ligger 2/3 del i venstre og 1/3 i højre side Indelt i 4 kamre, hvor hjertet er opdelt i to del – mellem septum cordis De fire kamre fyldes op med blodet fra venerne og når hjertetmuskulatur i væggene omkring kamrene trækkes sig sammen presses blod ud til Arteriene.

67. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS (ALL TYPES) – Acute or chronic sinusitis – Abuse of nose drops – Abuse of drugs or solvents (e.g., cocaine, gas, glue) – Foreign body in nares – Nasal polyps – Deviated septum – Hypothyroidism as a cause of the nasal congestion – Nasal congestion induced by pregnancy or use of oral contraceptives COMPLICATIONS (ALL TYPES) – – – – – Otitis media Nasal polyps Epistaxis Enlargement of tonsils and adenoids Sinusitis

68. The following structural features clearly indicate that ammonoid shells were adapted to withstand considerably higher hydrostatic pressures thanNautilus shells: (1) the corrugated and marginally fluted septa gave the shell wall efficient support against implosion; (2) the secondary connecting rings could grow a great deal in thickness; and (3) the last formed chambers remained full of liquid which supported the last septum.

69. Septarian Concretions or septarian nodules, are Concretions containing angular cavities or cracks, which are called "septaria".The word comes from the Latin word septum; "partition", and refers to the cracks/separations in this kind of rock .There is an incorrect explanation that it comes from the Latin word for "seven", septem, referring to the number of cracks that commonly occur.