Use "separate" in a sentence

1. However, when spouses Commingle separate property, it can lose its separate status

2. Most of our Beds are sold with separate Bed frames and separate mattresses

3. Separate clipboard and selection

4. Based on relative regulations of the college, "the field practice of dendrology " is a separate course with separate scoring and separate credit.

5. In a separate piece...

6. Three separate Championship eras

7. Aromatics, producing separate peaks

8. Twins that develop in separate sacs surrounded by two separate Chorions are considered diChorionic

9. Only death could separate them.

10. They went their separate ways.

11. May we have separate checks?

12. They sit in separate seats.

13. Tag dates in separate pieces:

14. You'll get two separate infusions.

15. Separate them, fore and aft.

16. They separate but later reunited.

17. Could we have separate checks?

18. Very Spacious Bedsitters with very convenient house designs that include a separate bathroom and separate toilet

19. I have, at the last count, 19 separate applications under consideration by 12 separate funding bodies.

20. Some content displays date information in separate pieces or uses labels to identify the separate date components.

21. Separate configuration Backups from application data

22. Divorce or separate Amicably, without lawyers

23. Asunder: Into separate parts or pieces

24. Phenomena as separate as optical rotation,

25. You can't separate morality from politics.

26. A large Balcony means you can have separate areas for separate activities like socializing, dining or relaxing.

27. in keeping separate from the world?

28. We'd like to have separate checks.

29. The children sleep in separate beds.

30. While one-off, separate Biosolids market

31. They have gone to separate places.

32. See the separate Bullous Pemphigoid article.

33. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.

34. Different country domains need separate exclusions.

35. Use commas to separate your address.

36. To separate ( a distillate ) by distillation.

37. To separate the head from; decapitate.

38. When did they separate last night?

39. Separate the Milk Solids from the Butter Fat: As the Butter melts, it will separate into three layers

40. They shall be supplied by a separate feeder from the main switchboard or by two separate secondary networks.

41. Apo means separate so Apocarpous is where the carpel that contain the ovary are all separate in the flower

42. The Township and the Berwyn Public Health District are two separate and distinct governmental bodies with separate governing Boards.

43. One cannot separate Calculuses from freaky bandanas

44. Put figures and tables in separate Appendices.

45. Longer excursions are scheduled with separate tickets.

46. It was from my separate bank account.

47. We must never separate incarnation and atonement.

48. To separate ( flax fibers ) with a hatchel.

49. Chromatograph definition, to separate mixtures by Chromatography

50. Carefully separate the leaves of the Artichokes …

51. Two separate protectorates were established in 1884.

52. Each villa has a separate sitting-room.

53. The bathroom has a separate shower cubicle .

54. Hair conditioner helps your curls to separate.

55. Two separate Cervices need to be documented

56. They are differentiated as separate organic Brigades

57. Put figures and tables in separate Appendices.

58. They Allotted a separate desk to everyone

59. This room shall have a separate exit.

60. The Trump Institute was a separate business.

61. Little Flora, we won't separate ever after.

62. The mind exists as a separate entity .

63. The constitution makes separate mention of impeachment.

64. Because as you separate that petroleum from the sand, and use an enormous amount of energy inside that vapor -- steam to separate this stuff -- you also have to separate out the sulfur.

65. Lyngbya Bouillonii is the correct name if this species is regarded as a separate species within a separate genus Lyngbya

66. I guess Commas can also separate dates

67. There is no separate application for Assistantships

68. They Allotted a separate desk to everyone

69. It's time we go our separate ways.

70. A separate room is reserved for smokers.

71. I see... So our paths separate here.

72. The bag is divided into separate compartments .

73. They allotted a separate desk to everyone.

74. Separate the Wheat from the Chaff Meaning

75. Two main characteristics separate the Chimichurri burger …

76. Blackpot Festival is a separate ticketed event.

77. Using Commas to Separate a Sentence’s Elements

78. They Allotted a separate desk to everyone.

79. For a time they remained separate details.

80. They would be a separate, closed system.