Use "semiquaver" in a sentence

1. Similarly, at bar 74 the semiquaver upbeat to the third beat should probably be executed as a triplet upbeat to those that follow in the right hand.

2. The piano puts a momentary end to its own fury with a barely feasible manoeuvre, both hands jumping up three or four octaves simultaneously and fortissimo in the time of a semiquaver.

3. 8 A barely audible ff septuplet of semiquaver chords and two rabid glissandi are thrown in by the soloist, before piano and bass section end the movement in five different Gs.

4. It is, with the exception of the Prelude and the Air, the only movement of the Suite which has not originated in a dance-form.The Allemande is a piece of moderate rapidity—about an allegretto—in common time, and commencing usually with one short note, generally a quaver or semiquaver, at the end of