Use "sellafield" in a sentence

1. You cannot prove Conclusively that Sellafield caused cancer.

2. The radiation dose around Sellafield in Britain is about three times lower than in Cornwall.

3. Reprocessing of commercial nuclear fuel to make MOX was done in the Sellafield MOX Plant (England).

4. Analysis of the radioactivity within the seaweed indicates that it had been discharged from Sellafield within the past 12 months or so.

5. The Decision is limited to issues of the adequacy of the accounting and reporting procedures presently in place at Sellafield, including but not limited to the THORP plant.

6. In itself, the technetium discharges do not represent a significant radiological hazard, and recent studies have noted "...that in the most recently reported dose estimates for the most exposed Sellafield group of seafood consumers (FSA/SEPA 2000), the contributions from technetium-99 and actinide nuclides from Sellafield (<100 μSv) was less than that from 210Po attributable to discharges from the Whitehaven phosphate fertilizer plant and probably less than the dose from naturally occurring background levels of 210Po."

7. In light of the shocking recent admission by Abul Qadeer Khan, the recently-resigned chief scientific advisor to the President of Pakistan, that he organised a nuclear weapons procurement and sales network, secretly selling nuclear weapons components to Iran, Libya, and North Korea, will the Presidency take urgent steps to halt the export from European Union Member States of nuclear weapons-useable nuclear materials, including plutonium from sites such as Sellafield and highly enriched uranium, at least until the extent of the illicit procurement of nuclear explosive capability has been properly established?