Use "self-styled" in a sentence

1. Miller's self - styled heroics were a cold comfort for his team leader.

2. The self - styled ` Reverend 'Harper is not a real clergyman at all.

3. 11 The self - styled ` Reverend 'Harper is not a real clergyman at all.

4. Examples of Caravansary in a Sentence a Caravansary designed specifically for self-styled cheapskates

5. Len Shackleton Len Shackleton, the self-styled clown prince of football, has died aged

6. James is a self-styled "Celebutante"; Newsweek coined the word and St

7. The chairman and founder of China's biggest privately owned car firm is the self-styled Henry Ford of China.

8. These self-styled complementary therapists make a fortune out of preying on the gullibility of often very sick people.

9. 14 The self-styled Brahmin of the Banal kept my fear-levels up to scratch by manifesting himself unexpectedly.

10. It was all pleasantly noisy without any air of aggression, there were no yobs or self-styled hard men among the customers.

11. The central fact of the Communist-led movement against Chiang Kai-shek is the creation of a new power, the self-styled representative of the people.

12. Geely's chairman and founder, Li Shufu, the self-styled Henry Ford of China, has frequently boasted that his firm would quickly become an export champion, selling 3m cars abroad by 20

13. Reilly, as “a fat, slothful, perpetually farting medievalist and self-styled superior being.” But even more astonishing, adds Bazes, is the fact that this novel won the Pulitzer Prize several years after its much-rejected and despairing

14. Afros & Bellbottoms is a self-styled monologue on the "good ol days" when dashikis, Afros, bellbottoms, platform shoes and collars wide enough to take hang gliding were the hit! To see Sinbad perform is to experience comic genius at its highest level

15. Its adherents, self-styled as “beat” (originally meaning “weary,” but later also connoting a musical sense, a “beatific” spirituality, and other meanings) and derisively called “Beatniks,” expressed their alienation from conventional, or “square,” society by adopting a style of dress, manners, and “hip” vocabulary borrowed from jazz musicians.

16. Unrevealed Barbarus Biography Once a member of the Swamp Men of the Savage Land, a tropical jungle hidden away in the frozen wastes of Antarctica, Barbarus was one of several of his people who were artificially mutated through technological means by the self-styled mutant master of magnetism, Magneto, so as to grant them superhuman powers.

17. Interestingly, if one looks at those who are " Clamouring " for the idea to be rejuvenated, it is once more those self-styled 'business leaders' and members of elite groups and not communities of real people who face acute problems even having their views heard by politicians Letter: Important to make a fair Game of it