Use "self-sacrifice" in a sentence

1. Self-Sacrifice Touches the Heart

2. It requires great effort and self-sacrifice.

3. What is Asceticism? Simply put, Asceticism means self-sacrifice

4. The spirit of self-sacrifice they display is truly commendable.

5. Despite their life of self-sacrifice, they radiated genuine joy.

6. Being on the move requires a spirit of self-sacrifice

7. How might ingenuity help us to lead a life of self-sacrifice?

8. □ How do many wives of overseers show a fine spirit of self-sacrifice?

9. The noun Abnegation definitely has the sense of self-denial and self-sacrifice

10. It is a heavy investment, one calling for much love and self-sacrifice.

11. Let us have a sense of urgency and a spirit of self-sacrifice.

12. And how can we to a greater degree cultivate our spirit of self-sacrifice?

13. 6 His election campaign appeals more to enlightened self-interest than to self-sacrifice.

14. 19 The most saintly quality next to willing self - sacrifice is the spirit of tolerance.

15. Now, through a concrete act of self-sacrifice, we can take our efforts a level higher.

16. Continue to peer into the perfect law, and work to maintain your spirit of self-sacrifice.

17. One way the spirit of self-sacrifice may be reflected is by exerting oneself in the ministry.

18. He employs intense and difficult physical movements to stimulate the extreme feelings of self-sacrifice and irreligious piousness.

19. Discipline, therefore, must also be part of your life-a discipline that sustains constant effort, abnegation, self-sacrifice.

20. All of this requires self-sacrifice, for these activities involve the expenditure of time, energy, and other resources.

21. French philosopher Auguste Comte coined the word Altruisme in 1851, meaning the self-sacrifice for the benefit of others.

22. In imitation of our Master, Christ Jesus, our life of self-sacrifice demonstrates love for Jehovah and our neighbors.

23. Discalced Carmelite Nuns are cloistered contemplatives, serving the Church and the world through a ministry of prayer and self-sacrifice

24. This process involves an element of self-sacrifice by the artist, analogous to the living grain's being sacrificed for human consumption.

25. This mutual self-sacrifice, teamwork, and covering each other's six contribute to individual bonding, unit cohesion, and, ultimately, the Camaraderie in question.

26. People say this is a selfish society, but frankly I've seen too much kindness[], self-sacrifice and generosity to believe that.

27. Full-time servants today show a spirit of self-sacrifice when it comes to self-denial and submission to Jehovah and his arrangement.

28. Ayn Rand, a Russian-born American writer and philosopher, dismissed Altruism, the idea that self-sacrifice and selflessness are the ideal standard for morality.

29. (Matthew 24:9-13) All of this calls for the kind of self-sacrifice and dedication manifested by the traveling merchant in Jesus’ parable.

30. The uncultivated mind harbors a vast diversity of unrealized possibilities, ranging from the depths of selfishness, egotism and aggressivity to the heights of wisdom, self-sacrifice and compassion.

31. Inspired by real events, Bashert is a page turner that caroms between continents and across timeframes as it narrates a story of betrayal and self-sacrifice set against the backdrop of Israel's emergence as a nuclear power.

32. "The Blasphemer" is an ambitious novel, tackling lots of big themes including religion, morality, cowardice, love, terrorism, persecution, self-sacrifice, a A split-second reaction in the face of death has far-reaching repercussions on both their lives.

33. Self-denial (related but different from self-Abnegation or self-sacrifice) is an act of letting go of the self as with altruistic abstinence – the willingness to forgo personal pleasures or undergo personal trials in the pursuit of the increased good of another

34. Their silent example of poverty and abnegation, of purity and sincerity, of self-sacrifice in obedience, can become an eloquent witness capable of touching all people of good will and leading to a fruitful dialogue with surrounding cultures and religions, and with the poor and the defenceless.

35. It was a company, initially isolated in the Ozarks, in which worker expectations and executive decisions were based not on an effort to "Constitutionalize" the world of work, but to make it a site of sociability, evangelical self-sacrifice, patriarchal authority, and visceral hostility to unions and to government regulation

36. At the same time as being a challenge to the world and to the Church herself, this silent witness of poverty and abnegation, of purity and sincerity, of self-sacrifice in obedience, can become an eloquent witness capable of touching also non-Christians who have good will and are sensitive to certain values.

37. "The Bohemians is an astonishing story of the anti-Nazi resistance—a story of love, incredible bravery and self-sacrifice, which could end only in death—and it is brilliantly told."—Antony Beevor, New York Times best-selling author of The Fall of Berlin 1945, The Second World War, and D-Day

38. Moore acknowledged that Shah had made a contribution of sorts in popularising a humanistic Sufism, and had "brought energy and resource to his self-aggrandisement", but ended with the damning conclusion that Shah's was "a 'Sufism' without self-sacrifice, without self-transcendence, without the aspiration of gnosis, without tradition, without the Prophet, without the Qur'an, without Islam, and without God.

39. "At the same time as being a challenge to the world and to the Church herself, this silent witness of poverty and abnegation, of purity and sincerity, of self-sacrifice in obedience", which Religious are called to bear, "can become an eloquent witness capable of touching also non-Christians who have good will and are sensitive to certain values" (Evangelii Nuntiandi, 69).