Use "self-interest" in a sentence

1. Just asking out of self-interest.

2. 16 Does curiosity always hurdle self interest?

3. She was motivated solely by self-interest.

4. Everything is not for self interest only.

5. His judgement was warped by self-interest.

6. But such self-interest might prove misguided.

7. Sans: Bipartisans put principle above electoral self-interest

8. His offer was motivated solely by self-interest.

9. Letter: Republicans chose self-interest in Acquitting Trump

10. I was torn between altruism and self-interest.

11. In reality, it provided “justification of ruthless self-interest.”

12. Rational self-interest is not always the dominating factor.

13. Faction and self-interest appear to be the norm.

14. Their current protests are motivated purely by self-interest.

15. Many of them placed self-interest before the common good.

16. 15 Certain information is desired for enlightened national self-interest.

17. Informed irreverence carries certain risks into the heartland of self-interest.

18. 21 It's just self-interest parading as concern for your welfare.

19. That's absolutely the right thing, for people to follow their self-interest.

20. Greedy national self-interest impedes governments’ efforts at effectively helping the poor.

21. You call it charm, but it's all for your own self-interest.

22. That's absolutely the right thing, for people to follow their self- interest.

23. However, unlike Colonialists, white missionaries were not driven by greed and self-interest

24. People participate in the club for reasons of self-interest rather than altruism.

25. Too many leaders, motivated by self-interest, had failed to rise to the occasion.

26. Micro is that people, individual actors are acting out of their own self- interest.

27. They will always put self-interest ahead of any covenants they make with Judah.

28. Licensed dealers offered a personal service, but this was marred by their self-interest.

29. 6 His election campaign appeals more to enlightened self-interest than to self-sacrifice.

30. But what they see is small-mindedness and the pursuit of narrow self-interest.

31. Freedom of capitalists to act in their self-interest in managing their business and investments.

32. The aristocracy of this period has been castigated for its naked self-interest and expediency.

33. Greed, recklessness and self-interest rides in the saddle of today's capitalism. -Jone I. Bogle.

34. 6 He complained that there was a tendency to equate right-wing politics with self-interest.

35. A society that is all self-interest and no Comradeship is not a society at all

36. 5 He complained that there was a tendency to equate right-wing politics with self-interest.

37. 26 He complained that there was a tendency to equate right-wing politics with self-interest.

38. For political and economic self - interest, these democracies instead continued to accept Chinese suzerainty over Tibet.

39. Political self-interest and holy war combined to demolish for good the huge structure of empire.

40. Altruism means acting in the best interest of others rather than in one’s own self-interest

41. Bystanders walked a tightrope between collaboration and resistance, steadying themselves with claims of self-interest and survival

42. Humankind, in this view, is deeply flawed-driven by self-interest, pride, ambition, anger and other passions.

43. I would add just one more thing to the discussion we had this morning about self-interest.

44. The company's donation was surely motivated by self-interest, as it attracted a lot of media attention.

45. 23 If nothing else, Kim should ratchet down the rhetoric out of his own family's self-interest.

46. It owes more to bluster and intimidation than to Bismarckian subtlety, guile, or appeals to raw self-interest

47. That means that people are beginning the first step, which is acting out of their own self-interest.

48. The place was governed by the simple understanding that the unbridled pursuit of perceived self-interest was healthy.

49. On the contrary, Autarchy presumes that men outside of political organizations have at least as much self-interest

50. Driven by greed they embarked on a stealthy voyage with hearts pure, righteous, fearless and without self interest.

51. This new vision of life is in marked contrast to the blindness and insensitivity of self-interest and pride.

52. Critics point to the disservice to the public of allowing the self-interest of organizations to determine welfare outcomes.

53. I think it would be a gross distortion of reality to say that they were motivated by self-interest.

54. Presumably the interplay of political and economic self-interest of government in industry will bring us to their goal.

55. Censorship is the Commonest social blasphemy because it is mostly concealed, built into us by indolence, self-interest and cowardice.

56. The character used for "benefit" is exactly the same as in the Mozi, but the meaning here is best translated as "self-interest" and is starkly negative--for an individual to think of self-interest, especially commercial interest, is to behave Basely.

57. (Matthew 13:45, 46) Yielding to self-interest, they take the line of least resistance and offer merely token service.

58. Self-interest demand of state actor makes it form foreign policy tropism of isolation and nonalignment under the special culture ideas.

59. 25 The conservative is led by disposition, not unmixed with pecuniary self-interest, to adhere to the familiar and the established.

60. 19 Blasting through the grey language that usually cloaks such matters he accuses the Fund of corruption, self-interest and deceit.

61. 2 Or should we politicize the principle of altruism on the grounds that it is no more than enlightened self-interest?

62. Antiheroes are characters that, while still heroic, lack conventional heroic traits and motivations, often instead doing heroic things out of self-interest

63. Because that self-interest has continued, we have maintained our membership, even though we continue to run an imbalance on our trade.

64. 29 Since the Community's inception under the treaty of Rome in 19 mutual self-interest has been the driving force behind it.

65. The existence of a future in which to apply punishment allows current collusion to be sustained by the self-interest of the firms.

66. Number two, all of The 99, when they first get their stone, or their power, abuse it; they use it for self-interest.

67. But a society that is all Comradeship and no self-interest is also not a society; it is a sect - or, on the largest scale, totalitarianism.

68. 28 Men think and act for self-interest, and are inclined to lie, cheat and swindle when doing so brings them benefits. Dr T.P.Chia 

69. 21 Men think and act for self-interest, and are inclined to lie, cheat and swindle when doing so brings them benefits. Dr T.P.Chia 

70. The definition of Cynicism is an attitude of suspicion where you believe the future is bleak and that people are acting only out of self interest

71. In this age of individualism and self-interest, it is not surprising that most people hold a dim view of obedience and of teaching it to children.

72. But even when some have united to act against an aggressor nation, the suspicion often lingers that they acted out of self-interest rather than genuine altruism.

73. NEW HAVEN – Adam Smith famously wrote of the “invisible hand,” by which individuals’ pursuit of self-interest in free, competitive markets advances the interest of society as a whole.

74. And much work there will be to bring the soul into an Acquiescency, by the preference of the glory of God unto all lawful self-interest and natural affection.

75. Rom 5:5), the divine agape, his way of loving, and to urge them thus to serve others in the humble gift of themselves, far from all self-interest.

76. 14 An individual needs to make sure that no rocklike obstacles, such as deep-seated bitterness, underlying self-interest, or similar hard but hidden feelings, are lodged in his heart.

77. However, this lending would have to be enforced by government diktat because the self-interest of the banks would lead them to focus on preserving and rebuilding their own equity.

78. This is an important but a complex question for the reasons stated above. It requires forethought, considerable planning and technical expertise and - if I may say so - enlightened self-interest.

79. If the government's fiscal survival depends on it having to raise money from its own people, such a government is driven by self- interest to govern in a more enlightened fashion.

80. The low opinions on nature of political man admit the animal nature and self-interest belonging to man, and the advanced opinions cheer for the self-fulfillment and perfection of man.