Use "self-image" in a sentence

1. Tanya has a really negative self-image.

2. And how did this pernicious self-image arise?

3. Depression affects people with a poor self-image.

4. Having a decent job contributes to a good self-image.

5. * Desire to align our behavior with our positive self-image.

6. The components of the self-image are illustrated in Figure

7. I hope at this point your self-image has improved dramatically.

8. A positive self-image can help you achieve anything you decide to do.

9. And you are assaulting their self-image and threatening their whole life-style.

10. We use the techniques to build up our self-esteem and self-image.

11. But having good mental health and a good self-image are more important.

12. Some accountants have attacked the merchant banks for their inflated self-image and snobbery.

13. He's in excellent physical shape to overpower women and also to feed his self-image.

14. Along with this new hair-do came a new self-image and way of relating.

15. 30 Some accountants have attacked the merchant banks for their inflated self-image and snobbery.

16. Google's self-image was pithily summed up in its famous founding credo: "Don't be evil."

17. The sense of a distinct, separate identity fades and is replaced by a metamorphic self-image.

18. 12:3) The exaggerated self-image promoted by flattery works against such Christian soundness of mind.

19. We should using ideal, faith, ambition and good anamnesis to aggrandizement the self-image of self.

20. • The Braggart Anecdotes that bolster self-image reveal a great deal to you about the speaker

21. The braggart Anecdotes that bolster self-image reveal a great deal to you about the speaker.

22. Children who have a positive self-image are less likely to present behaviour and discipline problems.

23. Only make decisions that support your self- image, self- esteem, and self- worth. Oprah Winfrey 

24. Four women in five feel they have a more positive self-image and higher self-esteem, too.

25. Coping with life in old age without drink may require an entirely new and improved self-image.

26. The counselling process focuses upon self-image, and ultimately aims at modifying it in a constructive way.

27. The overweight person's self-image may also fall, causing a loss of confidence, which becomes another stress.

28. Moreover, Charles Darwin's revelations about out bestial beginnings had dealt a severe to Victorian man's self-image.

29. Another said she clearly has poor self-image and yet more surgery isn't going to change that.

30. Definition of Self – Congruity: The degree of similarity between a brand/store image and a customer’s self-image

31. Along the way, various heroes of modernity, such as Gropius and Picasso, overtly identified their self-image as Promethean.

32. It is important to stress that our self-image has the power to determine our attitudes and social behaviour.

33. Recognizing the internalized self-image of the counsellee is an important perceptual skill in arriving at a working hypothesis.

34. Essentially, all these blocks to communication and self-expression are to do with feelings of inadequacy, and poor self-image.

35. 13 Along the way, various heroes of modernity, such as Gropius and Picasso, overtly identified their self-image as Promethean.

36. Ishmael the character is an objectified self, a projection of the self image and frame of mind of the narrator hero.

37. 10 Along the way, various heroes of modernity, such as Gropius and Picasso,( overtly identified their self-image as Promethean.

38. 9 Borderline Personality Disorder – Instability in relationships, job, mood, and self-image, including uncontrolled flashes of anger, impulsive behavior, and self-mutilation.

39. This self-image explains in part why Bouazizi's self-immolation after the police confiscated his vending cart proved such a galvanizing event.

40. Auto suggestion techniques are really self hypnosis mind power techniques.In many cases they work because they transform your self-concept or self image.

41. Despite his tender age of 19 years, new single ‘Stjernespiller’ is a mature and sincere Addressal of the struggles of confidence surrounding self-image.

42. The Abuser projects responsibility for the abuse onto the victim, or survivor, and the denigration and negative projections become incorporated into the survivor's self-image

43. / kaɪˈmer.ɪ.k ə l / relating to a hope or dream that is extremely unlikely ever to come true: His self-image as a writer seems Chimerical

44. Kutuzov Commander-in-chief of the Russian forces, whom Tolstoy Apotheosizes as the"Russian of Russians" whose intuitive power and humble self-image contribute to the victory

45. The Antimonies of the Liberal Self-Image Galen Watts · November 18, 2019 If you had asked me a few years ago what political tradition I belonged to, I …

46. (redirected from Bigorexia) A specific type of body dysmorphic disorder in which a person—usually male, average age 20—becomes obsessed with building muscle to the point where it impacts on his/her interactions with others, employment and his self-image.

47. H3: Acculturating individuals will differ from individuals in the culture of residence in their intention to respond to direct response advertisements of self-image products Acculturation and direct purchasing behavior among ethnic groups in the US: implications for business practitioners

48. “Its silence on human rights violations by abusive regimes because of its reluctance to interfere in the so-called ‘internal affairs’ of other countries sits uncomfortably alongside its international human rights commitments and its self image as a rights-respecting nation.”

49. Affectional preference means having or manifesting an emotional or physical attachment to another consenting person or persons, or having or manifesting a preference for such attachment, or having or projecting a self-image not associated with one’s biological maleness or one’s biological femaleness.129

50. “Coveting, pouting, or tearing others down does not elevate your standing, nor does demeaning someone else improve your self-image.” “Crouchers move through a garden at a stoop: naming, gasping, horraying, admiring or Coveting plants; Gapers saunter, smiling or sighing at what they find, succumbing to an intangible beatitude that takes them for a brief escape into another dimension.”

51. But there has always been the continuous high of the friendship and Comradeship shared with fellow firefighters.: This is a far cry indeed from the Anzac's credo of self-mocking mateship and chiacking Comradeship and two-up and beer shouts.: It is a key component of the notions of Comradeship and esprit de corps which are characteristic of military self-image and organization.