Use "self effacement" in a sentence

1. self-effacement did not lead to timidity.

2. Self - effacement did not lead to timidity.

3. He was modest to the point of self-effacement.

4. This man does not self- effacement at all, but he pretend to be like this.

5. The results indicate that authority, rather than self- effacement , may be used by Chinese writers to demonstrate group solidarity.

6. He must know about His Attributes through Vision and Taste(Sentencedict), by experiencing self- effacement in the Divine Presence.

7. The five attitudes, such as imperfection, emptiness, crookedness, clumsiness, and stuttering have a common character. They are modest, self-effacement, self-restraint and following-up.

8. The shaikh will lift him up through a path filled with difficulties, train him through worship, and guide him to a state of complete Self- Effacement .

9. The Alliterated "Etherial Guest" and "Essential Host" stresses that the air's emptiness and self-effacement enables it to function as a magnanimous "Host," entertaining any disconsolate exile