Use "seeder" in a sentence

1. The Bluecurls is a powerful self-seeder, making itself a powerhouse plant for your wildflower garden.

2. They are farming robots, and as such much of their weaponry resembles farm tools, like the Seeder, Weed Killer, and Spore Missile.

3. Bearded Beggarticks is an annual; it completes its life cycle during one season, but is a prolific re-seeder

4. A word of warning – Borage is a voracious self-seeder, and you’ll find it growing in random places your garden

5. The first stand-on zero-turn aerator of its kind, the Z-Aerate 40 can also be fitted with attachments including a seeder, de-thatch rake, spiker and spray system.

6. American Bellflower – American Bellflower is a vigorous seeder and may become a nuisance plant but the 1-inch (2.5 cm.) wide true blue flowers are worth the extra effort to keep it in control