Use "sedimentation rate" in a sentence

1. Main artery is phlogistic , erythrocyte sedimentation rate is high cannot operation, what medicaments or method can fall erythrocyte sedimentation rate?

2. Chronic severe hepatitis has direct influence on the erythrocyte sedimentation rate .

3. Methods:Erythrocyte sedimentation Rate were determined by using little ESR shelf and Micro-straw.

4. Objective To probe into the level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate with chronic severe hepatitis.

5. Submersible observations of the benthos are related to suspended load and sedimentation rate data.

6. In general, patients with PC had a lower hematocrit and higher erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( ESR ).

7. Methods Erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR) of 79 normal controls and 36 patients was determined with sodium citrate and heparin.

8. Lab studies including platelets(PLT) counts and erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR) were both higher than these of control group.

9. Crows did not show any year-to-year difference in erythrocyte sedimentation rate, leukocyte abundance, and heterophyl/lymphocyte ratio.

10. The sedimentation rate is elevated in 90-95 % of these patients and when above 50 Westergren helps confirm the diagnosis.

11. Blood viscosity and erythrocyte sedimentation rate are affected by the amount of erythrocyte aggregation and are parameters used to measure the aggregation.

12. The WesTech RapiSand™ Ballasted flocculation system is a high-rate clarification process using rapid mixing and multi-stage flocculation, followed by sedimentation

13. 14 The scan score correlated with all laboratory tests generally accepted to reflect active gut inflammation except for the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

14. A conduit (16, 20) extends from the agitated sedimentation tank (1) to at least one static sedimentation tank (2, 3).

15. The limestone/marl alternation of the Zlambach Beds can be subdivided into an autochthonous background sedimentation and an allochthonous carbonate sedimentation.

16. Calm phases are alternating with phases of discontinuous sedimentation and agitated waters and the sedimentation level fluctuates around the light compensation depth.

17. This is the first step of sedimentation, called Compaction

18. The reason for hospital admission was vague abdominal discomfort in five hepatomegaly and cholecystolithiasis in four each, hepatitis in three, achalasia, sterility and increased sedimentation rate in one each.

19. The device employs a gravity sedimentation procedure but achieves a shortened washing period by using an aggregating reagent (16) for aggregating or agglomerating the red cells so as to increase their sedimentation velocity during the gravity sedimentation.

20. The vast sea of blood sedimentation under the original sin.

21. Vertical agitator for wastewater received in a sedimentation tank

22. The bone is isolated by sedimentation in carbontetrachloride-acetone.

23. Authigenic sediments are the main constituents of deep sea sedimentation

24. Volcanic sedimentation is a frontier realm between volcanology and sedimentology.

25. Patients with abnormal hepatic Biochemistries had higher frequency of autoimmune hypotiroidism, arthritis, vasculitis, Raynaud's phenomenon, higher sedimentation rate,and higher frequency of antinuclear and antimitochondrial antibodies than patients with normal liver Biochemistries …

26. This coagulation process speeds up natural settling action, which is completed during sedimentation.

27. A valve (13) via which solid matter can be discharged from the agitated sedimentation tank (1) is mounted in the area of the bottom of the agitated sedimentation tank (1).

28. The mechanism allows for great variation and complexity in magma chamber sedimentation.

29. Amandin is a legumin type protein characterized by a sedimentation value of 14S

30. Accommodation (noun) The place where sediments can make, or have made, a sedimentation

31. A recently proposed alternative is Brett and Algeo’s idea that these shell beds grew during long periods of normally low sedimentation, while most mud accumulated during brief periods of high sedimentation.

32. Diatoms are first dominated by alkaliphil species, reflecting continued influence of glaciolacustrine sedimentation.

33. The “aggradations” constitute the reciprocal mechanism and they are frequent during sedimentation and diagenesis.

34. The invention relates to discharging of sludge from the bottom of a sedimentation basin.

35. Discrete sedimentation events are predicted each time the concentration exceeds the critical value.

36. Sedimentation - exhalation siliceous rocks are of great significance in the study of ore deposits.

37. There are general symptoms such as fever, fatigue, headache, anaemia, and accelerated blood sedimentation rate, symptoms of mechanical obstruction (pulmonary oedema, reduction of cardiac output, pre-syncope and syncope), and the sequelae of tumour embolisation.

38. Upstream hydropower and irrigation are affecting water flows, natural sedimentation patterns, and fish migration.

39. The remaining wastewater is pumped up 15 meters [50 feet] to the sedimentation tanks.”

40. Recent history of sedimentation is seen to be a recapitulation of the past.

41. Analysis of the sedimentation behavior has confirmed aggregation as a molecular phenomenon, not an artifact.

42. 21 There were mainly neritic shelf and bathyal filling sedimentation in the Pliocene and Quaternary.

43. In 1860 John Phillips proposed 96m years, based on estimated rates of erosion and sedimentation.

44. 29 The delayed response of sedimentation is a phenomenon commonly encountered in fluvial processes of rivers.

45. Then compared the sedimentation time, particle size and zeta potential with the before modified one.

46. A drive unit (51) for an agitator (50) is disposed in the agitated sedimentation tank (1).

47. There is also the very obvious repeated control of certain forms of sedimentation by climatic factors.

48. These criticisms include major ecological changes, reservoir sedimentation and the uprooting of large numbers of people.

49. Isolation and sedimentation study of low molecular weight forms of type A Botulins toxin

50. Isolation and sedimentation study of low molecular weight forms of type A Botulins toxin

51. Bodies of a density exceeding that of the liquid are accumulated in the channel by sedimentation.

52. To some extent, the facies evolution reflects the tectonic controls on the sedimentation of foreland basin.

53. Toxic substances and nutrients were the prime suspects along with the well-known recidivist, sedimentation.

54. Simultaneously, sedimentation occurred at the base, as in previous experiments, so the mean concentration decreased with time.

55. If we really had continuous sedimentation then there would surely be no bedding planes at all.

56. Other dangers to coral are chemical pollution, oil spills, sewage, logging, farm runoff, dredging, sedimentation, and freshwater intrusion.

57. - biological treatment with extended aeration, entailing: an anoxic zone, a biological reactor, secondary sedimentation and recirculation of sludge.

58. Cold, continental environments characterized by rapid sedimentation and permafrost aggradation appear most conducive for formation of syngenetic fissures.

59. Statistics include Aurelion Sol's Win Rate, Play Rate and Ban Rate

60. The geomorphological processes found at York Factory include active isostatic rebound, river erosion, tidal scouring and estuarine sedimentation.

61. Subsidence is more rapid than sedimentation-in contrast to Albian-and greater water depths are reached relatively quickly.

62. This sedimentation in the delta form a cape, which has average longitudinal growth of 70 m per year.

63. Faults in this region are difficult to study at the surface due to thick sedimentation on top of them.

64. A new technology for the preparation of cadmium red pigment - indirect sedimentation - calcination method has been studied.

65. The molecular weight of different gelatin samples (bone and skin gelatin; pI = 4.9 and 8.1) in various buffer solutions and at different temperatures was determined by sedimentation in an analytical ultracentrifuge using both theArchibald method and the sedimentation equilibrium method.

66. The sedimentation constant of early summer meningo-encephalitis virus has been determined by analytical ultracentrifugation in a known density gradient.

67. The distance of the aeration part (20) from the shaft bottom (14), and the flow guide (26) and flow rate of the water underneath the aeration part (20) are selected in such a way that no sedimentation of solid materials accumulates in this area.

68. By use of microfossils it could be proved that sedimentation lasted from Albian up to Cenomanian without visible interruption.

69. To complicate matters further, the rates of sedimentation in different places vary greatly, and few have been measured accurately.

70. General anneal cooling rate slowest, fire rate quicker, the quenching cooling rate is quicker.

71. Aerobic biological waste water treatment using aeration, including the removal of suspended solids by, e.g., sedimentation, secondary flotation.

72. Such conditions are commonly associated with deltaic sedimentation which along the Gulf Coast attain thicknesses of 000 feet.

73. The inert anticoagulant does not interfere with agglomeration of the red blood cells so that gravity sedimentation separation is facilitated.

74. The exit rate is the agreed interest rate below which the contract rate is abandoned.

75. - secondary settling basin 20 m in diameter, with recirculation of activated sludge, removal of excess sludge and sedimentation of suspended particulates.

76. Authigenic sedimentary minerals form during sedimentation by precipitation or recrystallization instead of being transported from elsewhere by water or wind

77. Real interest rate is the nominal interest rate corrected by the changes in the inflation rate.

78. The Centrifuge works using the sedimentation principle, where the centripetal acceleration causes denser substances and particles to move outward in the


80. In consequence the use of sedimentation columns or tubes to determine the fall velocities of sediment particles has become very popular.