Use "sectoral" in a sentence

1. It's called sectoral heterochromia.

2. 2008-2013: Multi Sectoral Urban Development

3. Sectoral Aggregation, Armington Elasticities and Protection Levels The simulations were run with a full sectoral disaggregation.

4. • sectoral policies that promote economic adjustment.

5. • sectoral policies that promote economic adjustment

6. Sectoral Measures Farming Cash Basis Accounting Objective:

7. The federation has 18 affiliated sectoral unions.

8. As indicated above, there are five sectoral undertakings, namely:

9. This makes it the world's largest sectoral global union federation.

10. ◦ 25 sectoral organizations and local association associated with the ACF;

11. Revise current food and nutrition action plans and sectoral policies

12. Ratio of successful market research/prototyping to successful product development Sectoral Assistance 11.

13. Financial flows matrix; credit market summary tables; sectoral analyses; financial markets projects. Access:

14. • Nebulous roles and responsibilities of local leaders and sectoral field agents;

15. preparation, submission, review and approval of proposals for inscribing absolute sectoral emission thresholds;

16. The district and sectoral representatives are elected for a term of three years.

17. This first step will include integration between government, sectoral entities and local residents.

18. Barriers remain to the necessary sectoral wage adjustments in the long term.

19. Other relevant data and information, including sectoral studies, may also be taken into account

20. The aggregate data in Table 3 hide important regional differences in the sectoral allocation of flows.

21. Developing countries may propose absolute sectoral emission thresholds, as part of their low-emission development strategies

22. There has been an intensification of training programmes and capacity building in sectoral cooperation.

23. In terms of sectoral adjustment, the vulnerable countries continue to adjust at different paces.

24. 13 The sectoral background tables were designed to allow calculation of implied emission factors.

25. 2. The sectoral monitoring committee for this component shall be consulted on the technical assistance activities.

26. On this occasion, a sectoral seminar and a Buyer Seller Meet will also be held.

27. The sectoral monitoring committee for this component shall be consulted on the technical assistance activities

28. • Determination of sectoral and regional allocations flowing from Business Plan Material for central agencies/Parliament

29. Three Agreements and 17 MoUs have been signed for pursuing sectoral cooperation among IBSA countries.

30. Moreover, social partners now have the option of further adapting working hours at sectoral level.

31. This activity covers horizontal and sectoral activities to analyse and improve the competitiveness of Europe's businesses.

32. This taking account of external environmental costs in infrastructure charging is authorised by two sectoral Directives.

33. * use possibilities of wage differentiation according to local, regional and sectoral conditions (see BEPG guideline 5).

34. * The Ministers decided to formalise the establishment of an additional sectoral working group on Revenue Administration.

35. The extent of the company's competitive disadvantage was revealed by internal and external benchmarking against sectoral best practice.

36. Harnessing cross-sectoral infrastructure synergies (E/ESCAP/CTR(4)/2) and (E/ESCAP/CICT/(4)/2)

37. Without prejudice to specific provisions contained in sectoral rules, the clearance-of-accounts procedure shall consist in:

38. Congruous and inCongruous sectoral visual field defects with lesions of the lateral geniculate nucleus Am J Ophthalmol

39. The administrative zones and elected regional assemblies have jurisdiction over sectoral policy implementation in their respective territories.

40. Units of learning outcomes can then be accumulated towards this qualification, according to national, sectoral or regional rules.

41. Secretary (West): These will be sectoral agreements because with both countries the basic agreements are already in place.

42. Several Ministerial Visits have also taken place for advancing and strengthening multi-sectoral cooperation between the two countries.

43. It may require specific provisions in sectoral laws covering education, juvenile justice and all forms of alternative care.

44. The sectoral measure may alter the balance between the Member States, all of which are facing similar problems.

45. Pending further coordination of sectoral rules, Member States shall provide for the inclusion of alternative investment fund managers:

46. For the entities for which the scope of accreditation was extended, only the new sectoral scopes are indicated.

47. The Hungarian authority's strategic objective is to achieve sustainable development by integrating environmental protection considerations into all sectoral policies.

48. COGEN Europe, the European Association for the Promotion of Cogeneration, is the cross-sectoral voice of the Cogeneration industry

49. At European level two sectoral (commerce, telecommunication) and one significant overarching interprofessional agreement on telework have been signed between the social partners.

50. The same WTO-induced sectoral adjustment underlies the decline of steel and textiles in advanced countries such as the US.

51. Migration today serves as an instrument for adjusting the skills, age and sectoral composition of national and regional labour markets.

52. Cross-sectoral coordination will be essential, including among health, education, protection and planned WASH databases, to enhance usage, national aggregation and reporting.

53. And they provide integrated, cross-sectoral inputs, by investing in the systems, institutions, and capacities that are needed to achieve development goals.

54. Canada Conformity Assessment Body added to the list of Conformity Assessment Bodies in Attachment # of the Sectoral Annex on Recreational Craft

55. Canada Conformity Assessment Body added to the list of Conformity Assessment Bodies in Attachment 2 of the Sectoral Annex on Recreational Craft

56. CIAM is developing an emissions and costs model for primary aerosols, which will enable the calculation of sectoral emissions for both past and future years.

57. It comprises sectoral associations and individual companies and embraces a total of 2800 companies, most of them small and medium-sized businesses.

58. The EESC has stressed repeatedly that joint European legislation on admission should have comprised an overall, horizontal legislative framework rather than sectoral legislation

59. (ba) targeted sectoral pilot actions aimed at accelerating energy efficiency investment with a view to switching from one source of energy to another;

60. Even with above the line activities (notably advertising), the level of sectoral disaggregation is insufficient to provide a comprehensive breakdown of the six types of sectors.

61. The sub-scheme will also provide support to national level sectoral industry council/ association and support for preparation of vision document for Leather Footwear and Accessories Sector.

62. The Conformity Assessment Body in Attachment A is added to the list of Canada Conformity Assessment Bodies in Attachment # of the Sectoral Annex on Recreational Craft

63. The additional GEF grant will be used to finance parts of the inter-sectoral planning for coastal areas and parts of the co-management of near-shore capture fisheries.

64. * The leaders reviewed the activities under sectoral cooperation and while acknowledging the meetings of the Working Groups and concurring with their reports, expressed satisfaction on the progress made.

65. Bruh is a call to young entrepreneurs to bring forth innovative ideas to solve critical cross-sectoral challenges to meet public needs and grow to become a profitable company on the way

66. The integration of new knowledge from nano-, materials-, and production-technologies will be supported in sectoral and cross-sectoral applications such as health, food, construction and building including cultural heritage, aerospace industry, transport, energy, chemistry, environment, information and communication, textiles, clothing and footwear, forest-based industry, steel, mechanical and chemical engineering, as well as in the generic subjects of industrial safety and measurement and testing.

67. US Conformity Assessment Body added to the list of Conformity Assessment Bodies under column "US access to the US market" in Section V of the Sectoral Annex on Recreational Craft

68. 25 The fund acted far too long as a creditor collection agency, a defender of the dollar as the sole reserve currency and even as a handmaiden to US sectoral interests in trade policy.

69. Is against the review of the Community acquis being used as a pretext to extend the scope of the legislation in the existing sectoral directives or to bring in additional directives;

70. Among the other elements are non-advalorem tariffs, NTBs, effects of tariff cuts on existing non-reciprocal preferences (erosion of preferences), sectoral issues and special flexibilities for LDCs and other groups of developing countries.

71. In the context of economic globalisation and regional integration, we are committed to our efforts in advancing economic cooperation and engaging the emerging regional economic architecture, including organising multi-sectoral strategic economic dialogues.

72. For the most part, however, roundtables have struggled to perform their essential task of forging consensus among departments on sectoral strategies, target company lists, prospecting and corporate call assignments, management of files, and aftercare.

73. It shall be determined by and conditional on the achievement of Senegalese sectoral fisheries policy objectives in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Protocol to this Agreement following annual and multiannual implementation programming.

74. I welcome the strategy of abandoning the idea of a single directive, following a number of years of deadlock within the Council, and adopting a progressive method involving the presentation of four sectoral directives over the next three years.

75. It is absolutely vital for social dialogue, especially sectoral dialogue, (29) and public policies to converge in order to increase and transform the e-skills of groups that are at a disadvantage on the labour market.

76. In addition, according to the conclusions of the European Council of Nice envisaging that "This statement may be supplemented by a specific assessment for each major area of Community activity", the DAS could effectively in future be sectoral.

77. General Effects of Launching Inter-Sectoral S&T Initiatives Commentators from academia and research funding agencies noted that the laboratory transfer initiative may have significant potential impacts on the current agencies supporting extramural S&T and on academic administration.

78. The efforts being made under the National Rural Health Mission, especially on inter-sectoral convergence with the avowed aim of reducing maternal and infant mortality rates, will, I am sure, bear desired results and help accelerate progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

79. But we draw the line when you say, "We cannot agree perhaps on national targets, but can we not agree upon internationally-binding sectoral targets which then be opening the door to protectionism under agreement”, that is not what we are prepared to accept.

80. In addition to its unique function of Brokering the negotiations on climate change, the United Nations has a broad range of activities, both of a sectoral and cross-cutting nature, and building on Agenda 21 and its emphasis of the role of education in changing and influencing consumption patterns and …