Use "sectarianism" in a sentence

1. How should sectarianism be viewed?

2. He'd be torn apart by the bitter divisiveness of sectarianism.

3. They have sacrificed their sheeplike people on the altar of nationalism or religious sectarianism.

4. Their egoism was as fuel ready laid for the torch of sectarianism.”

5. Synonyms for Cliquishness include cliquism, clannishness, exclusivity, narrowness, sectarianism, exclusiveness, insularity, selectness and unfriendliness

6. In others, the elders had allowed sectarianism, immorality, and lukewarmness to corrupt the flock.

7. 8 But both communities must recognise the cancerous effect of sectarianism, taken to these extremes.

8. Usually it has to do with ethnicity or race or sectarianism, or it's a power struggle.

9. Genuine Christianity was overshadowed by Christendom’s sectarianism, based on pagan teachings and philosophies.—Acts 20:29, 30.

10. Since Jesus condemned the following of men, however, we need to keep on hating sectarianism, as did the Christians in Ephesus. —Matthew 23:10.

11. The alert reader will remember the warnings given in the messages sent to the seven Asian congregations and will avoid the traps of materialism, idolatry, immorality, lukewarmness, and apostate sectarianism.

12. These letters, to congregations in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea, reveal that Christians in this part of Asia Minor were then facing various dangers, such as immorality, sectarianism, and apostasy. —Revelation 1:9, 11; 2:14, 15, 20.

13. - Boswellian I would say for both Auchinleck and Cumnock that the majority of people support the blue side of the Old Firm but when it comes to Auchinleck Talbot v Cumnock, sectarianism plays absolutely no part in the trouble.